Hinduism is the Only Dharma

Hinduism is the Only Dharma in this multiverse comprising of Science & Quantum Physics.

Josh Schrei helped me understand G-O-D (Generator-Operator-Destroyer) concept of the divine that is so pervasive in the Vedic tradition/experience. Quantum Theology by Diarmuid O'Murchu and Josh Schrei article compliments the spiritual implications of the new physics. Thanks so much Josh Schrei.

Started this blogger in 2006 & pageviews of over 0.85 Million speak of the popularity.

Dhanyabad from Anil Kumar Mahajan


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Jesus indeed son of Krishna by NYAYWADHI

Krishn has become christ.

Saraswathi has become Sara

Brahma has become Abraham.

When Krishna was born there appeared angels and also Christ.

More by amritha chaithanya 

Both are believed to be sons of God, since they were divinely conceived 

The birth of both Jesus of Nazareth and Krishna of Dwarka and their God-designed missions were foretold 

Both were born at unusual places — Christ in a lowly manger and Krishna in a prison cell 

Both were divinely saved from death pronouncements 

Evil forces pursued both Christ and Krishna in vain 

Christ is often depicted as a shepherd; Krishna was a cowherd 

Both appeared at a critical time when their respective countries were in a torpid state 

Both died of wounds caused by sharp weapons — Christ by nails and Krishna by an arrow 

The teachings of both are very similar — both emphasize love and peace 

Krishna was often shown as having a dark blue complexion — a color close to that of Christ Consciousness

It is now fairly establisheed that modern humanbeings originated in Africa and spread to other parts of the world. There are similarities between the customs and beliefs various tribes across the world. 

While Pharoah ordered the killling of all male-children in Egypt, Kansa issued the same order in Dwarka.

Also see the similarity of worshipping a tree and Jerusalem and at Kurukshetra.

Jesus indeed son of Krishna by NYAYWADHI

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