
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Vedic Remedies and Recommendations for Problem Solving.

Please find the Remedies/Recommendations for Problem Solving.

These Vedic Remedies and Recommendations are totally personalized
and have been devised after thorough study and analysis of Horoscope
and other planetary factors. If performed with full faith and
discipline, they will overcome and eliminate the negative factors
which are responsible for creating the problems, hurdles,
difficulties, or calamity one is presently facing.

These Remedies have an extremely long-term effect, which accumulates
over a period of time, and keeps showing it's positive effect in the
years to come. They can not only cure one's current problems, but
also destroy all malefic factors in one's life, raise one's mental &
spiritual level, increase the flow of positive energy, and help one
to lead the rest of one's life with peace & happiness. You will feel
tangible improvements in all spheres of your life, and a new
dimension to your personality.

Hope you are able to use this information to the best of your
abilities your advantage by using these recommendations to get the
best out of yourself and your life. Hope this document will go a
long way in helping you to increase your success & happiness rate,
improve your future and help you to lead a more healthy, happy,
peaceful, successful and prosperous life.

May God Bless You.


This bit was nice and the next bit makes sense and i do believe in>


Some facts about Vedic Remedies or 'Upayas' :

What is Destiny & is it really connected with our Deeds/'Karmas' ?

Destiny is the Fate one is born with, and is determined by the
position of the stars at the exact moment in time when we take
birth. This Destiny is based on the Karmas or the actions & deeds
one has performed in the past life/lives. In other words, past
life's Karmas are present life's Destiny.

Our life is like a Balance Sheet, where the Closing balance of the
past lives is carried forward as an Opening balance in the present
life. The moment you are born, you have an outstanding credit, or
debit in your name. In the present lifetime, you can either clear
your old debts, or add on to them. The mechanism of nature is much
more sophisticated & fool-proof than all the sciences of the earth
put together.

How important are Karmas in the present life ?

There is no way we can change the Karmas in the past lives. But
knowing a problem is half the battle won. If in the present
lifetime, one acquires awareness about this truth, which is one of
the greatest truths of life, one should make all efforts to perform
the 'Right Karma', and refrain from evil influences which steer you
towards evil deeds & 'Wrong Karma', since negative forces are
exceptionally strong in 'Kalyuga'.

It is only this 'Right Karma' which can help one attain some of the
most important essentials which one strives for, and often feels
deprived of, like happiness, joy, love, peace of mind, or good
health, wealth, fame, success, professional achievements, good
marriage, children etc. The 'Right Karmas' automatically lead one on
to the path of true understanding of one's objectives in life & the
sure-shot mediums of achieving them.

In other words, the shortest and sweetest way to attainment of
material, spiritual and cosmic benefits in today's age
is 'Performance of Right Karma'.

Does this mean that you can change your Destiny & your Future by
performing the 'Right Karma' ?

There are some Karmas which fall in the top most category of 'Right
Karmas'. By performing these Karmas, one can change the Destiny not
only in the present life, but also in future lifetimes. 'Vedic
Remedies' or 'Vedic Upayas' are part of such Karmas. Vedic Remedies
are "acts of worship" which absolve & neutralize old sins, remove
planetary afflictions & other malefic influences in one's life, and
change the Destiny/Fate of a person in the present & future

Specific Vedic remedies can solve specific problems, cure chronic
diseases, grant wishes, and eradicate obstacles in the path of
growth & prosperity. They can bring an amazing improvement in your
life and add a new dimension to your life and personality.


Ok that makes good vedic sense. Now for the remedies>>>>


Vedic Remedies :
1. Wear Rahu Yantra locket in neck.

2. 'White thread' Remedy - Tie a White thread around your wrist on a
Monday morning within one hour of Sunrise, after taking a bath and
wearing clean clothes. The thread should preferably be a cotton
thread. This thread has to be kept on the wrist continuously for 41
days without being removed. If the thread gets dirty/discolored
within 41 days, replace it with a fresh one on another Monday, same
time, same way.
This Remedy will give accumulated benefit if performed again and
again for a span of 41 days starting on a Monday morning.

3. Do not consume Liquor and Non-vegetarian food on Tuesdays.

4. 'Saffron Tilak' Remedy - Mix little Saffron with 1-2 drops of
water using Right Index finger. Apply 'Tilak' in the middle of
forehead every morning after bathing and before going out for work
using the same Index finger. This Remedy should be done daily.

5. Donate Blankets in a Temple, Church or any religious place.

6. Keep water by bedside at night.

7. Feed Dogs regularly, or keep a pet Dog.

8. Wear Silver in neck.

9. Do not dump waste or useless wood on the roof of your house.

10. Do not live in a South-facing house.

IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATIONS - which will give you more benefit :
11. Use more Yellow on self and in the house - in home furnishings

12. Worship Lord Ganesha.

13. Keep good relations with your mother.

Well, there you have it!?

M Vaghela

This is in reply to Vaghela's message for remedies and reasons.

For everyone's benefit, I would like to share this in common forum. These
remedies have their effect for sure. But, most of these are temp. remedies.
Well, there are no permanent remedies, because our karma takes us to the
negative energies every now and then.

As for raising spiritual levels, I have found rudra beads to be most effective.
I started wearing it as an experiment, without much guidance. They have guided
me on their own to the right path and built their own mala, bead by bead!!

ok.. here we go with the Lal kitab and other remedies....


Vedic Remedies : (all my comments are in Blue and based on multiple knowledge
sources...there is nothing as wrong or right out here....)
1. Wear Rahu Yantra locket in neck.
ok. a rahu remedy of every kind will be good enough. better to put the yantra in
puja room. better go for a rahu rudra bead...and do nava nag mantra.....daily

'White thread' Remedy - Tie a White thread around your wrist on a
Monday morning within one hour of Sunrise, after taking a bath and
wearing clean clothes. The thread should preferably be a cotton
thread. This thread has to be kept on the wrist continuously for 41
days without being removed. If the thread gets dirty/discolored
within 41 days, replace it with a fresh one on another Monday, same
time, same way.
This Remedy will give accumulated benefit if performed again and
again for a span of 41 days starting on a Monday morning.

ok. seems ok as a remedy. a similar one is recommended for tuesdays....with a
red thread for mars remedies. (specially to preganent women).

3. Do not consume Liquor and Non-vegetarian food on Tuesdays.
alternatively saying to maintain a fast for diety Hanuman or Ganpati or Devi.
Tuesday is their day. Primarily mars remedy.

4. 'Saffron Tilak' Remedy - Mix little Saffron with 1-2 drops of
water using Right Index finger. Apply 'Tilak' in the middle of
forehead every morning after bathing and before going out for work
using the same Index finger. This Remedy should be done daily.

Remedy for Jupiter. Basically when the guru (jupiter is not placed strong in the
horoscope.) . Alternative, keep the kesar where u keep your jewelry and cash in
house. Drink warm milk with kesar every night before going off to sleep (also an
ayurvedic home remedy). wear a gold chain in the neck. (also for Rahu when it is
in 9th house - Jupiter's house as per lal kitab)

5. Donate Blankets in a Temple, Church or any religious place.
Remedy for ketu. specially when kids are in trouble or having a tough time. they
must have recommended this, because currently, ketu and juptier are in Virgo
rashi and will continue to be together till Sept 05.

6. Keep water by bedside at night.
I have already answered this. The catch is, pour this water into some plants
etc. in the morning. dont drink this. dont put into your house drain either.

7. Feed Dogs regularly, or keep a pet Dog.
Remedy for Jupiter, specially when it is placed adversely in the 5th house. Try
to go for a dalmatian or a dog which is two colored. (sound funny!! :-)) it is
supposed to be an additional remedy for Mercury. (also when rahu is in 9th house
- Jupiter's house as per lal kitab.)

8. Wear Silver in neck.
remedy for mercury and moon both. specially for couples wanting kids or if kids
are having a problem. generally good for emotional well being. alternatively,
silver ring in ring finger.

9. Do not dump waste or useless wood on the roof of your house.

seems like remedy for Saturn. I have not been able to locate this one in my

10. Do not live in a South-facing house.
In urban cities we may not have much choice nowadays. Just keep some tall plants
in front of the main door of the house and some scultpure along with it. if you
have a garden in front, have some tall trees in front to cover the facade of a
south facing house.

IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATIONS - which will give you more benefit :
11. Use more Yellow on self and in the house - in home furnishings
simple jupiter remedy. i have some other opinion. wear what u like from heart -
u cannot have a yellow festival all the time in the house!!! . have Kadi- Rice
on thursdays in dinner. eat this when u have dinner, with family, and eat this
dinner in the kitchen. it will work as effective and give you other benefits as
if u have liquor, try to shift to scotch and have it with only water or ICE. no
soda or mixers.

Friends, pardon me if I am hurting any feelings out here, but this also works!!

12. Worship Lord Ganesha.

Primarily a remedy for jupiter and budh. jupiter in 5th house.

13. Keep good relations with your mother.

remedy for moon.


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