
Thursday, January 13, 2011

" Kemdrum Yoga " Shanti --

" Kemdrum Yoga " Shanti
$ 101

If your Moon is alone and there is no other planet behind & ahead of Moon within 30° distance, the yogo is called " Kemdrum Yoga ". Which is believed to be very bad for financial matter between the age of 42 to 48 Years of the native. So, to avoid there you have to do "Shanti" of this yogo. We perform this pooja at Somnath Temple ( " THE JYOTIR LINGA " ). The oldest and biggest Temple of Lord Shiva.

Kem Drum Yog Shanti Mantra


OM Aen Hin Shree Klim Hasauh Jagatprasutyai Namah

Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Tue, June 24, 2008 - 1:56 AM

If moon is alone, doesn't have any planet before and after and also in front then it is Kemadruma.
(For Example moon in 2nd house. 1st , 3rd and 8th house is empty.
Rahu and Ketu are not actual planet and they do not cancel the yoga if they are in the above mentioned houses)

If there is a planet in house opposite (7th house from moon), it not only cancels Kemadruma, but gives kalpadruma yoga (similar to neecha bhanga raja yoga.)

Kemdruma gives trouble to mind. Since moon is mind and is alone it can be destructive. Many of the serial killers from the history have this yoga. It also makes the person very poor, mentally instable, gives inner fears, phobias, takes away happiness. It makes you do crimes of passion.

But remember. Do not jump to conclusions. There are many conditions which cancels this yoga. Even if there's no planet as mentioned above, but Jupiter is in kendra and especially in Lagna, it nullifies the Kemadruma. Infact any benefic or functional benefic planet in Kendra is powerfull then you wont notice Kemadruma. But if kemadruma itself is in Kendra then it is very lethal.


If Jupiter is 6th or 8th from moon and IS NOT IN KENDRA FROM LAGNA then shakata yoga is formed.
Many people jump to conclusion by the position of Jupiter only. One has to keep in mind that Jupiter must not be in Kendra (1st,4th,7th,10th house) If jupiter is in kendra, there is no Shakata yoga.

Shakata means constant ups and downs in fortune

Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Tue, June 24, 2008 - 2:11 AM
I would also like to share my own experience.
I have both got canceled out.

I have moon in 2nd. no planet in 1st and 3rd. But in 8th I have mercury which is dispositor of moon itself. I also have Jupiter in Kendra so I have never experienced Kemadruma in my life.
But of course alone moon (i still dont have anything in 1st and 3rd) can increase fragility of mind. That I do accept. I am an overcautious person. And I always tend to worry too much.
There is also another relation which should be considered very bad. There's Rahu with my moon which increases Jealousy, Anger (rather Rage)
But my good luck, Rahu with Moon in 2nd with dispositor in 8th (house of secrets) always gives me secret money all the time (in addition to my stable income)
I would also like to mention that since moon is alone and under effect of 8th house, it makes me very very secretive in nature, which I am.

I also have Jupiter 6th from moon. But jupiter is in Kendra, so I have never experienced ups and downs in fortunes.

Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Tue, June 24, 2008 - 3:41 AM
Hi Indrajeet,
Thanx a lot friend for ur detailed reply and sharing ur experience here. Plz throw some light on kaalsarpa dosha too. I am expecting detailed reply frm others too. I am telling here what i know abt kemadruma yoga. When there are no planets on both sides of the Moon, Kemadruma is formed. But there is distinct cancellation also if (a) the kendras from the Moon are occupied (b) kendras frm the Lagna are occupied.
In Jataka Parijata, there are other kinds of Kemadruma Yogas too which are as follows:
1. The Moon in Lagna or 7th but nt aspected by Jupiter.
2. All the planets devoid of strength and less bindus in Ashtakvarga.
3. The Moon in Scorpio Navamsa joining a malefic and aspected by Lagna lord.
Hope replies frm others.

Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Tue, June 24, 2008 - 4:51 AM
Kaalsarpa Yoga

- It is caused when all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu.
- Rahu and Ketu are always opposite. For Example - If Rahu is in 1st house Ketu will be in 7th house
- Now, in this example, if all of your planets are either in 1st to 7th or in 7th to 12th, it means KaalSarpa Yoga

There are total 12 types of this yoga for 12 possible combinations of Rahu & Ketu's placement, affecting each area of life

The general effect is delay in every important event of life. Becoming target of conspiracy. Delays or problems in marriage etc.

There is a vidhi to be done so that this yoga can be nullified or atleast the effect can be reduced

Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Wed, June 25, 2008 - 2:28 AM

On Kemadruma yoga, you said:

"moon is alone, doesn't have any planet before and after and also in front then it is Kemadruma.
(For Example moon in 2nd house. 1st , 3rd and 8th house is empty.
Rahu and Ketu are not actual planet and they do not cancel the yoga if they are in the above mentioned houses)"

My understanding of K Yoga is that it is present when there are no anapha, sunapha or durudhara yogas to the Moon, THEN alleviating factors/cancellation factors are planets in kendras from the Moon, in 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th; if not then to the lagna, to the Moon in the navamsa; then aspects from benefics. It is very rare not to have any of these factors. Also the brightness of the Moon has a lot to do with it, it can seriously take away a lot of the negativity of this yoga.
The planets in kendra show where the native is getting support from/feel strength ( 4: home/ 7: partner /10: action) - but would still feel some loneliness at times.

I'm not aware of the 8th house factor - where does that come from?

Kemandruma yoga is not that uncommon. The Moon being the mind, it's the expectations of the mind in that case, expecting no or little support and feeling lonely; it can disrupt life and give bouts of poverty.

I do have K yoga, plus Rahu with Moon, Moon in Aquarius, the depositor is DB - and no planets in Kendra in the Rashi. Some may think it's very bad but nope. I relate to the poverty and the loneliness and feeling lack of support and I'm also very sensitive. But my mind is very strong and grounded. ( My Mo is vargottama in Nav.; in Rashi Mo in Shatabishka ruled by Rahu, and sitting with its Nakshatra despositor, Rahu, co-ruler of Aqu. so that might be what's helfpul, plus Mo in 3rd, and as a Sag, Mo is lord of 8th so there must be an expectation of transformation, going through stuff, etc, right?! - ? ).

"There is also another relation which should be considered very bad. There's Rahu with my moon which increases Jealousy, Anger (rather Rage) "
I think that might have to do with the sign the Moon is in - like Mars perhaps? I have Mo in Saturn's sign and I don't relate at all to anger, rage, jealousy...

Another thing, you said:

"If there is a planet in house opposite (7th house from moon), it not only cancels Kemadruma, but gives kalpadruma yoga (similar to neecha bhanga raja yoga.) "

This is not my understanding of Kalpadruma yoga, which is a very rare and very beneficial yoga - according to S.Rath's teachings.
But there might be a few with the same name.
Here's a something I found on Kaladruma yoga, (the one I do know!) the conditions and examples in practice:

Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Mon, July 7, 2008 - 8:26 AM
suppose you have Moon itself in 7H ,is kemadruma yoga is cancelled?
Though in this case there is no planet before or after Moon
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Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Mon, July 7, 2008 - 9:53 AM
cancellation doesn't really work, view it more as modification - effects still be felt.

The Moon in the 7th, kendra, is good; but with no planets on either side, still is kemadruma yoga.
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Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Tue, July 8, 2008 - 2:53 AM
It will be really in the interest of the members if the remedial measures to counter these yogas are also discussed .
may invite the matter from learned seniors
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Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Fri, July 11, 2008 - 1:04 PM

Personally, I have not heard of specific remedial measures for Kemadruma yoga; but fortifying the Moon & the mind is essential and would help I think.
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Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Sat, July 12, 2008 - 2:43 AM
In this forum itself I have seen a Yantra for removing the illeffect of Jup& Moon on 6-8 axis.
It is in the album of freedomji.
I expect, you suggest me how to activate?
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Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Mon, July 7, 2008 - 8:41 PM
I have never felt Kemdruma in my horoscope. I do not have any planet before or after moon or even 7th from moon. Also my Jupiter is not in kendra. I have always been happy and social and my friends call me very optimistic and good humored.

lagna -capricorn-ketu
5th house-taurus- moon
7th-cancer-mars, rahu
9th-virgo-mercury, saturn, jupiter, sun
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Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Fri, July 11, 2008 - 1:32 PM

There are no planets in Kendra from your Moon but there are two in Kendra from the lagna. Neither the Moon nor Jupiter are in Kendra but they're in 5th and 9th houses - not just any kind of house. The Moon is exalted in Taurus and aspected by a benefic; also its depositor is strong in its own house. ( This Moon gives you a good mind for studying actually.) There's also the Navamsha to take into account.

Lucky you if you can say it's all positive....
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Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Mon, July 21, 2008 - 10:40 PM
1. What is the effect of Kemadruma yoga -
is it poverty,
is it feeling lonley,
is it financial strain thorough life,
or does it mean the person will work for the betterment of others -
more concerned for others than himself ( Mahathma Gandhi)

2. If it is modified by the presence of any planet in the 7th how it effect
How about if is in trines from the langna

3. what if in navamsha moon is alone

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Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Wed, July 23, 2008 - 4:58 AM
" 1. What is the effect of Kemadruma yoga -
is it poverty,
is it feeling lonley,
is it financial strain thorough life, "

This is what I know.

" or does it mean the person will work for the betterment of others -
more concerned for others than himself ( Mahathma Gandhi) "

This condition I am not aware of - what's the source?

" 2. If it is modified by the presence of any planet in the 7th how it effect
How about if is in trines from the langna "

Any planet other than the Sun and the nodes in Kendra from Moon is best, then if not, from lagna.

" 3. what if in navamsha moon is alone "

Yogas to the Moon would have a cancellation factor.
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Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Wed, July 23, 2008 - 5:00 AM
Sorry: Yogas to the Moon in Navamsha would be part of the cancellation factors, so if not it's just ruled out.

The brightest the Moon the better.
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Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Wed, July 23, 2008 - 5:43 AM
" or does it mean the person will work for the betterment of others -
more concerned for others than himself ( Mahathma Gandhi) "

This condition I am not aware of - what's the source?

Answer: i have seen 2 ppl who where very interested in social work, irrespective
of the income (income was less) had great plans to work for - others - where spending a few hrs a week for NGO voluntary service -
yah true i had not analysed more -
so i wanted to know if any one else have see this

in navamsha can we read kemadruma yoga? ie if moon has not planet on 12 and 2nd but has on 7th from - moon is it kemdruma and if rashi as how it effect is it strengthened
If it is modfied how does each planet play a role
if it is jup
if itis mars
if it is mercury
if it is rahu
if itis sun
if it is venus
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Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Wed, July 23, 2008 - 5:57 AM
" have seen 2 ppl who where very interested in social work, irrespective
of the income (income was less) had great plans to work for - others - where spending a few hrs a week for NGO voluntary service -
yah true i had not analysed more -
so i wanted to know if any one else have see this "

Since I have not, personally, picked up this factor from reliable/classic sources, then it is not a condition, in my opinion.
But then it is true that when you've experienced having less and feeling lonely, if you're "evolved" enough not to turn bitter & selfish, then you'd want others not to be feeling the same and so the person can be more aware and able to do good with the right mind-set.
Usually though I would think there are strong factor to indicate social work/humanitarian work in the chart.

" in navamsha can we read kemadruma yoga? "

All I know is that we can look for cancellation factors for the Kemandruma yoga in the Rashi, by checking the conditions the Moon is in, in the Navamsha.
I'd say you can state all the different yogas in the different vargas but they're not as powerful as in the rashi, more likely they back up what's in the rashi or the opposite.
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Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Sat, December 12, 2009 - 11:34 AM
hey! Can anyone help me out by explaining it to me that if I have moon in 4th house with no planet placed adjacent to it on both sides, can it be termed as kemadruma yoga ..?? I hav venus in lagna and automatically in 10th house from moon's placement in the 4th house.. I don't have any other benefic in kendra from moon..can anyone please explain..??!
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Re: Kemadruma Yoga, Sakata yoga nd Kaalsarpa dosha Sat, December 12, 2009 - 7:36 PM
Yes, it's Kemundram yoga, gives mental poverty.

1 comment:

  1. My planetary positions in LAGNA chart are :
    Planets Sign Longitude Nakshatra Pada House
    Asc Leo 017-46-49 Purvaphalgini 2 1
    Sun Scorpion 025-33-33 Jyeshtha 3 4
    Moon Virgo 017-56-46 Hasta 3 2
    Mars Aquarius 027-01-20 Purvabhadra 3 7
    Merc [R] Scorpion 028-18-13 Jyeshtha 4 4
    Jupt Scorpion 024-21-05 Jyeshtha 3 4
    Venu Sagittarius 022-13-30 Purvashadha 3 5
    Satn [R] Taurus 008-20-06 Krittika 4 10
    Rahu [R] Capricorn 014-14-06 Sravana 2 6
    Ketu [R] Cancer 014-14-06 Pashyami 4 12
    Uran Virgo 023-58-44 Chitra 1
    Nept Scorpion 009-54-52 Anuradha 2
    Plut Virgo 008-24-39 Uttaraphal 4
    In Navamsa MOON and Mars are together in same house. My query is that some say I have Kemdrum, some say I don't (because Jupiter is in kendra from lagna, and venus is in kendra from moon) have Kemdrum, and some say that I have partial Kemdrum. Can anyone kindly analyse and let me know the correct position? And any remedies? Will be very very greatful.
