
Friday, February 4, 2011

Siva Tattva: SHIVOHUM

Siva Tattva:
From Parama Siva, Supreme Siva. Siva has the Will power of Prakasa and the Manifest Power of Vimarsa Sakti. He is the origin of Vibration. The Siva Tattva is the First Spanda (Vibration, Pulsation, Throb) of Parama Siva. Siva Tattva is full of Ichcha Sakti, Jnana Sakti and Kriya Sakti (Desire or Will, Kno...wledge and Action). In this combined state of Siva and Sakti, the individual soul on its ascent feels that he is Siva Himself. The individual soul (Yogi) that has a felicitous ease of move up and down these Tattvas is a complete individual. This has a special bearing in Kundalini yoga. Siva having that ease of move up and down between Sivaness and state of individuality is the Reality of Siva. Siva that descends but cannot ascend is the state of reality of individuality.

Sakti Tattva.

Though Siva Tattva is the First Vibration of Parama Siva, Sakti is the First Vibration or Spanda of Siva Tattva. Siva Tattva is Static and Sakti is dynamic or kinetic. Siva and Sakti (Subject and object, Aham and Idam) are non-different. Siva and Sakti polarize so that Siva can manifest his ready-made universe and beings on Himself and thus, becomes the experiencing principle by his expression of the universe. Sakti is the seed that blossoms out as the universe.

My Shardha sumarpan to this Shivling.


tridaLaM triguNAkAraM trinetraM cha triyAyushham.h .
trijanmapApasaMhAraM ekabilvaM shivArpaNam.h ..

trishAkhaiH bilvapatraishcha hyachchhidraiH komalaiHshubhaiH .
shivapUjAM karishhyAmi hyekabilvaM shivArpaNam.h ..

akhaNDa bilva patreNa pUjite nandikeshvare .
shuddhyanti sarvapApebhyo hyekabilvaM shivArpaNam.h ..

sALagrAma shilAmekAM viprANAM jAtu chArpayet.h .
somayaJNa mahApuNyaM hyekabilvaM shivArpaNam.h ..

dantikoTi sahasrANi vAjapeye shatAni cha .
koTikanyA mahAdAnaM hyekabilvaM shivArpaNam.h ..

laxmyAstanuta utpannaM mahAdevasya cha priyam.h .
bilvavR^ixaM prayachchhAmi hyekabilvaM shivArpaNam.h ..

darshanaM bilvavR^ixasya sparshanaM pApanAshanam.h .
aghorapApasaMhAraM hyekabilvaM shivArpaNam.h ..

kAshIkshetranivAsaM cha kAlabhairavadarshanam.h .
prayAgamAdhavaM dR^ishhTvA hyekabilvaM shivArpaNam.h ..

mUlato brahmarUpAya madhyato vishhNurUpiNe .
agrataH shivarUpAya hyekabilvaM shivArpaNam.h ..

bilvAshhTakamidaM puNyaM yaH paThet.h shivasannidhau .
sarvapApa vinirmuktaH shivalokamavApnuyAt.h ..


The mind becomes pure and calm by cultivating friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight toward the virtuous, and benevolent indifference toward the unrighteous.

Yes , u r right , but it is lengthy topic to discuss,the above mantra has very elaborate meaning and we need to study it with interest and very calmly so that it can benefit all in real means

Ji above my comment are the meaning of the Sutra it is Yog sutra 1.33 of Pantanjile its full explaination is in the Discussion topic is "Why meditation". Please read. The Sutra is very important it is the Shambhavaupay means --Shambhav. To remain conscious in the material world where we face many types of people good and bad, happy and unhappy, write and wrong people and under these circumstances we should maintain undisturbed calm through these ups and downs in the life

Dear Jee Pee. what you understand in Discussion i.e "Why Meditation" I think you have read the explaination.
what do we do about our own unhappiness? Just remember that it is
only the ego that suffers; the Self is in bliss all the time. Chant the mantra, meditate, immerse yourself into the inner stillness that is the source of boundless joy and contentment. Th e impartial witness to our suff ering is infi nitely compassionate.

Ashok Kumar Koul Pranam
Now we are going discuss and understand the reality of Consciousness in above photo of “Siva Sutras” 3nd “Yoni-vargah Kala-sariram” of first enlightenment
Shivohum will also put 3rd Siva Sutras in the Discussions in our group Shivohum, Please read and discuss
Yoni-vargah Kala-sariram = Maya, class, funciton and vehicle of consciousness
Yonivarga refers to MAyIya Malam. KalAsariram refers to KArma or Kanma Malam. These two Malas or impurities are the cause of bondage.
The MAyA-associated class of elements construct the body, the world, and all other limited Tattvas down to earth. MAyA is the mother of all downstream Tattvas and she is Yoni, the womb or source. KalA is concerned with activities. Sariram is body or form. Body engaged in activities makes Karma and thus KalAsariram is Kanma or Karma Malam. MAyA Mala confers the five Kancukas, the five jackets which restrain, oppress and limit the soul, which upon wearing these 5 jackets earns the name Purusa12 . (KalA, Vidya, RAga, Niyati, and KAlam = Learning, Knowledge, Desire, Order, and Time) are the five Kankucas or the Five Jackets. Purusa sporting these five jackets has limited Learning, Knowledge, Desire, Order and Time.
1) Limitation of KalA is limitation of agency or efficacy.
2) Limitation of Vidya is limitation of knowledge.
3) Limitation of RAga is limitation of satisfaction of desires.
4) Limitation of KAla is limitation of your time on earth and subjection to past, present and future.
5) Limitation of Niyati is limitation in the sense you are subject to externally imposed order.
The opposite of all these five Restrictive Jackets is Caitanya, Freedom of the Self with respect to Knowledge, Action...

Alath Bum Shivohum
that is 4th Shiv Sutra which is missing, why are you worried about more first concentrate on above explanation and write your impression which your mind extract from the above explanation. If the friends did not show existence with your comments otherwise I will stop my work as open i will share with Real Sadhaks only

Ashok Kumar Koul Alakh Bum Shivohum
Panchamukha Shiva, also known as Panchanana Shiva, is an image or idol of Lord Shiva with five faces. As five is the sacred number for Lord Shiva, five mantras and syllables represent him. These five mantras also signify the five heads of Shiva. Each head has a particular name and specific Shakti (power) is associated with it. Puranas describe these five aspects of Shiva as the five elements, the five senses, the five organs of perception, and the five organs of action. From below given table we can know detailed information on names of Panchamukhi Shiva and the Shakti or power associated with them:
1. Ishana: Also known as Sadashiva, Ishana Shiva is associated with Anugraha Shakti (power of blessing)
2. Tatpurusha: Also known as Maheshwara, Tatpurusha Shiva is associated with Thoridhana Shakti (power of concealment)
3. Aghora: Also referred to as Rudra, Aghora Shiva associates with Samhara Shakti (power of dissolution)
4. Vamadeva: Also termed as Vishnu, Vamadeva Shiva is associated with Stithi Shakti (power of sustenance)
5. Sadyojata: Also named as Brahma, Sadyojata Shiva is associated with Srishti shakti (power of creation)
There is a popular idol of Panchamukha Shiva at Elephanta Caves near Mumbai Metropolis which displays only three faces of Panchamukha Shiva. The concept of Panchamukha Shiva explains us Lord Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma are not three different Gods but a single God’s three significant aspects.

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