
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sanskrit is Yoga- Did you know If you are speaking Sanskrit you are doing Yoga?by Ivan Vule Fridman

Sanskrit is Yoga-
Did you know If you are speaking Sanskrit you are doing Yoga?by Ivan Vule Fridman

Sanskrit is Yoga
Did you know If you are speaking Sanskrit you are doing Yoga?

Very few people know that Sanskrit is not only a medium of expression but also aids in overall development of a person. It is not only a self-developed language but also a 'SamskaRit"(संस्कारित ) bhasha. The great sages Maharshi Patanjali, Maharshi Panini and Maharshi Katyayini has added flavor to it. These three Maharshis have fine tuned the language by adding different Yoga-kriyas into pronunciation. That is the beauty and secret of Sanskrit.

When you cook 'Pulses', you add flavour to it by putting Cumin, Garlic, Fenugreek, Asafoetida etc and ghee(जीरा; मैथी; लहसुन; और हींग का तड़का). This is now called 'Samskarit Daal'(संस्कारित दाल). This daal takes out all the vikaras of digestive system in addition to nourishing the body. The person eating this 'daal' doesn't know that it is a 'Daal with medication' and unknowingly he is enjoying both food and medicine together. Exactly this is the case with Sanskrit language.

Now what are those additional medicinal value in Sanskrit language for us?
To know this we need to have a comparative analysis of Sanskrit with other languages.There are four qualities of this language which makes it special and better than all other languages:

1. Anuswara [अनुस्वार (अं )], Visarga [विसर्ग(अ:)]
All masculine[पुल्लिंग] words end at Visarga,
for ex: राम: बालक: हरि: भानु: etc
and all neuter[नपुंसक लिंग] words end at Anuswara, for ex: जलं वनं फलं पुष्पं etc

Now if you observe closely you'll be amazed to find that you are doing yoga while speaking them. In pronouncing visarga and in doing Kapaalbhati pranayaam [कपालभाति प्रणायाम], we throw belly air, outwards a bit forcibly. That means as many times you speak any Sanskrit word with visarga you'll be doing kapaalbhati automatically and thus getting its benefits.

Similarly, speaking any sanskrit word with anuswar in it ends up making you doing 'Bhraamri' pranayaam [भ्रामरी प्राणायाम]. In this pranayaam, we have to breath out via nose with humming sound like a bee. That means as many times you speak any sanskrit word with anuswara you'll be doing 'Bhraamri' pranayaam automatically and thus getting its benefits.

..and we all know the benefits of these two yoga-kriyas, courtesy Swami Ramdev :)

Now say 'Ram eats fruit' which will be said in Sanskrit as "राम: फलं खादति" and see you've done both yoga.There is almost no sentence in Sanskrit language having no anuswara and visarga. So it is said that Sanskrit speaking is like doing yoga while talking.

2: Shabd-Roop [शब्द-रूप]
Second feature of Sanskrit is its word forms or Shabd-Roop. How many forms can a word take in any other language? One. In sanskrit it is 25 !!!!!!!!
For example: Following are different forms of the word 'Ram'[राम]

रम् (मूल धातु)
राम: रामौ रामा:
रामं रामौ रामान्
रामेण रामाभ्यां रामै:
रामाय रामाभ्यां रामेभ्य:
रामस्य रामयो: रामाणां
रामे रामयो: रामेषु
रामत् रामाभ्यां रामेभ्य:
हे राम! हेरामौ! हे रामा:!

In Sankhya-philosophy (सांख्य दर्शन) there are 25 fundamental elements [मौलिक तत्व], knowing which a persn can attain knowledge. The more you use all 25 forms of every word in Sanskrit, you'll come closer to the power of words, which ultimately reveal itself to the speaker in terms of effects. Following are 25 fundamental elements according to Sankhya-Darshan: 

1. Atma [आत्मा]
2. Antah-karan 4 [Mind, Intellect, Psyche, Ego] (अंत:करण 4 ) मन बुद्धि चित्त अहंकार
3. Gyanendriyas 5 [ nose, tongue, eyes, skin, ear] (ज्ञानेन्द्रियाँ 5) नासिका जिह्वा नेत्र त्वचा कर्ण
4. Karmendriyas 5 [hand, foot, genital-organ, Anus, speech] (कर्मेन्द्रियाँ 5) पाद हस्त उपस्थ पायु वाक्
5. Tanmatraas 5 [words, forms, taste, odor, touch] (तन्मात्रायें 5) गन्ध रस रूप स्पर्श शब्द
5. Mahabhoot 5 [Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Sky] ( महाभूत 5) पृथ्वी जल अग्नि वायु आकाश

3: DwiVachan [द्विवचन]
Third specialty of Sanskrit language is 'DwiVachan'[द्विवचन]. All other languages have 'Singular' and 'Plural' numbers but in Sanskrit there is one additional number called DwiVachan. This is very useful and beneficial too.
for example: There are three forms of word 'Ram' in DwiVachan: रामौ , रामाभ्यां और रामयो:
While pronouncing them, three types of yogic kriyas are performed: Moolbandh[मूलबन्ध], Uddiyaan Bandh[उड्डियान बन्ध] and Jaalandhar bandh[जालन्धर बन्ध], these are very important yogic kriyas.

4: Sandhi सन्धि
Most important quality is 'Sandhi' i.e. association.When two words come closer to each other they make an association which changes the form and pronunciation of the combined word. In the changed pronunciation, tongue has to put some special effort. All such efforts are experiments in Acupressure treatment system.

Example: ''इति अहं जानामि" could be spoken in 4 ways and in every type, our speech tool has to make extra effort:
1 इत्यहं जानामि।
2 अहमिति जानामि।
3 जानाम्यहमिति ।
4 जानामीत्यहम्।

In all of the above pronunciations, the acupressure system is working. As a result it keeps mind, intellect and entire body healthy.

That is why it is also called 'dev vaani', because just by reciting you can have 'divyata' and you'll become 'devta' and whatever a devta speaks is called dev vaani :)

PS : Taken from the community Sanskrit Counts.

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