
Thursday, February 3, 2011

On Sacred Mt. Kailash- by G.C. Rawling, The Great Plateau, London, 1905

On Sacred Mt. Kailash- by G.C. Rawling, The Great Plateau, London, 1905  

"In shape it (Mount Kailas) resembles a vast cathedral… the sides of the mountain are perpendicular and fall sheer for hundreds of feet, the strata horizontal, the layers of stone varying slightly in colour, and the dividing lines showing up clear and distinct...... which give to the entire mountain the appearance of having
been built by giant hands, of huge blocks of reddish stone. (G.C. Rawling, The Great Plateau, London, 1905)

reply posted on 6-5-2009 @ 10:07 AM by TheWayISeeIt

On the topic of Tibet, it does tend toward being a part of many of the anicent alien/God 'myths'. I am going to post some pics and links, make of them what you will.

In summary there has been a contingecy of Russian scholars who have been researching, and putting forward the concept, that Mt. Kailash (sacred to the Hindus/ Tibetans) is at least partially ... well, if not 'man-made', not naturally occurring.

The first group came out in 2000 saying that Kailash was the center pf a 'pyramid complex', with pyramids dotted all around the mountain in this most remote of regions.

The Chinese countered a couple of years later, saying it was not true.. and in turn tried to squelch further research there . Take a look and see what you think:

Sacred Mt. Kailash

The idea of the pyramid in this region is not new. It goes back to the timeless Sanskrit epic of the Ramayana. Since then, numerous travellers, especially in the beginning of the 20th century, have expressed the view that Mt.Kailas is too perfect to be a totally natural phenomenon, or at any rate give the appearance of human intervention. For example:

"In shape it (Mount Kailas) resembles a vast cathedral… the sides of the mountain are perpendicular and fall sheer for hundreds of feet, the strata horizontal, the layers of stone varying slightly in colour, and the dividing lines showing up clear and distinct...... which give to the entire mountain the appearance of having been built by giant hands, of huge blocks of reddish stone. (G.C. Rawling, The Great Plateau, London, 1905)

This is the layout the Russian researchers in 2000 proposed.

As I said, the Chinese then responded a few years later saying it is not true, there are no pyramids in that most remote region. (It's also with noting that Kailash is one of the worlds few peaks that has never been officaily 'climbed'... It is considered too sacred and sacrosanct to the Tibetans. )

Another group of Russian geologists made a report last August at the 2008 Intl. Geological Congress where they, in my opinon, academically tip-toed around some interesting data they found and reported there:

The pyramid-like mount Kailash is situated in one of the most difficult for access mount districts of Tibet. There have been studied main valleys and rock formations around Kailash, many of which having regular geometrical forms. There have been determined the exact geographical coordinates of all edges and the top of Kailash, edge bases orientation for the parts of the world, as well as described the structure and construction of Kailash. As a result of the satellite images analyses a lens-like vertical formation has been detected on the top of Kailash. There have been examined the rock samples taken from the base of Kailash and water samples of brooks, beginning from the glaciers of this mount. There has been found the division boundary between the mount parts: namely, between the lower stratified structure, having the signs of destruction, and the upper one - monolithic and concrete-like.

This boundary lies in the same horizontal plane at a number of rock formations around Kailash. It is supposed that in the valley of the so-called inner cora there earlier existed the highland ancient lake, surrounding the Kailash. There has been discovered the link, to be yet analyzed, between the pyramid-like formations in the Kailash area and the pyramids of the ancient city of Teotiuakan, Mexico, situated practically exactly at the 180 degrees of longitude. There has been revealed a number of geometrical regularities in the Kailash's location, focal planes of the concave stone formations around it and ancient ritual places of pilgrimage.
(emph. mine)


They go on to say that other researchers (presumably geologists) are finding corresponding data that raises more questions than it answers, but supposes that it will eventually all prove-out to be a geologically natural process... they just don't know how quite yet.

[edit on 6-5-2009 by TheWayISeeIt]

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