
Monday, January 24, 2011

Obtaining energy of Sri Saraswatidevi through Bahubandha

Why are glass bangles preferred over plastic bangles?

Table of Contents

1. Ornaments worn by a woman on the hands

2. Bahubandha (keyur)

3. Bangles

3.1 Effects of plastic and glass bangles

3.2 Benefits of sound waves created by glass bangles

3.3 Number of bangles to be worn

3.4 Various colours of bangles and their features

3.5 Why wearing a watch on one hand and bangles on the other is inappropriate?

3.6 Reason for the sudden cracking or breaking of bangles

3.7 Reason for not wearing a cracked or a broken bangle, as per the spiritual science

3.8 Reason for negative energies attacking the bangle

3.9 Gold bangles

1. Ornaments worn by a woman on the hands

Some main types of ornaments are:

Bahubandha worn on the arm.

Bangles worn on the wrists. There are various types of bangles, such as glass-bangles, gold-bangles, patali, toda etc.

An ornament worn on a finger is the ring. Generally, it is worn on the anamika or the ring finger.
2. Bahubandha (keyur)

Since this ornament is worn on the ‘Bahu’, that is, the arm, it is called a Bahubandha. This is made of gold or silver. It is studded with precious stones. Bahubandhas studded with pearls are also available. Bahubandha is also known as keyur, bahubhusha, bhujaband and vanki. Wearing these ornaments is important for various reasons.

The hand gets the energy to function. Waves of Devi Principle are active in the Bahubandha. These waves are absorbed by the arm and are spread to the whole hand.

Through the Bahubandha, the woman obtains the Saviour (Tarak) or Destroyer (Marak) energy of Sri Saraswatidevi as per the requirement. Radiant waves are emitted by the shiny precious stones studded in the Bahubandha. These waves match the Energy of Action (Kriya-Shakti) of Sri Saraswatidevi. They impart coolness to women who are not affected by negative energies and heat to women affected by negative energies. The seven rays emitted by the Bahubandha are symbolic of the Energy of Sri Saraswatidevi, active in Saviour or Destroyer form.

The sound (Nad) emitted from the Bahubandha functions in varying proportion, depending on the spiritual emotion (Bhav) of the woman and makes her aware of her true nature. The sound emitted from the Bahubandha provides Divine Energy (Shakti), Divine consciousness (Chaitanya), Bliss (Anand) and Peace (Shanti) to the woman who wears it. The three small bells attached to the Bahubandha symbolise God’s Energy of Will (Ichha-Shakti), Action (Kriya-Shakti) and Knowledge (Dnyan-Shakti). Depending on the spiritual emotion (Bhav) of the woman, these small bells make her aware of her true nature.

A protective sheath is created on the arm due to the Bahubandha. Due to the sattvikta, the Devi Principle and Divine consciousness (Chaitanya) in the Bahubandha, the woman is protected from attacks of negative energies in the atmosphere.

Effects of wearing a Bahubandha made of gold:

Chaitanya is attracted to the precious stones studded in the Bahubandha.

This Chaitanya circulates in the Bahubandha.

An activated spiral of Shakti circulates in the Bahubandha.

Rays of Shakti are emitted into the environment by this spiral.

Spiritual experience of effects of wearing a Bahubandha: One day I wore a Bahubandha. I experienced that black energy was leaving my body from the head, throat, vertebrae and below the waist, upto the legs. After that, blue light spread in my entire body. After some time, this blue light transformed into white light and my entire body was filled with it. - Ms. Ranjana Gavas

The important point to remember here is that, sattvik vibrations were emitted because the Bahubandha had a sattvik design. Due to these vibrations, the black energy in Ms. Ranjana’s body reduced and she also had good spiritual experiences.
3. Bangles

Kankan, that is, bangles are an important ornament for spinsters as well as married women. Since ancient times, there is a tradition of making bangles, that is, kangan from various metals, glass, conch, sealing-wax and ivory.

In Punjab, bangles made of ivory and in Bengal bangles made of conch have special importance.

In Uttar Pradesh, wearing of a red sari and red bangles by the bride at the time of the wedding is considered auspicious.

In states like Maharashtra, Karnataka etc., wearing of green glass bangles by the bride at the time of the wedding has special importance.

Subtle experiment regarding glass and plastic bangles: First keep glass bangles in front of you. Concentrate on them and pay attention to what you feel while looking at them for 15 seconds - good, distressed or nothing at all. Repeat the process for plastic bangles and see what you feel.

Answer to subtle experiment: One feels good while looking at glass bangles. One experiences distress while looking at the plastic bangles.
3.1 Effects of plastic and glass bangles

Plastic bangles: Plastic bangles are Raja-Tama-dominant. Hence, Raja-Tama-dominant vibrations in the environment are attracted to such bangles and are absorbed by the woman who wears them. As a result, there is a possibility of the woman experiencing distress such as pressure on the head or the body, fatigue etc. This explains why one feels distress while looking at plastic bangles.

Glass bangles: Glass bangles have sattvikta, Devi Principle and Chaitanya in them. Due to these, sattvik and Chaitanya-dominant waves in the environment are attracted to the glass bangles. In addition, due to the sound generated by the glass bangles, the negative energies back off. This explains why one feels good while looking at glass bangles.

It is evident from this experiment that it is more beneficial for a woman to wear glass bangles, rather than plastic bangles. Out of ignorance about this science, today many women wear plastic bangles. Fashion is also one of the reasons for this. Some women wear plastic bangles because the glass bangles break often. In doing this, they deprive themselves of the benefit that is obtained from wearing glass bangles, and harm themselves. Plastic bangles Glass bangles
1. Sound created Friction-like Impact-like
2. Nature of sound Raja-Tama
dominant In the form of
3. Effect on negative
energies Attract negative
energies Drive away
negative energies
4. Awakening of
vitality Does not occur Occurs
5. Vital energy Reduces Increases
6. Purification of the
gross body Does not occur Occurs
7. Black covering Is generated Is destroyed
8. Protection of the
body Does not take
place Takes place

3.2 Benefits of sound waves created by glass bangles

Due to the subtle weapons emitted from the sound waves of the bangles, the motor organs of the woman are protected.

The sattvikta (Sattva predominant) of the woman’s motor organs increases.

A sheath of waves of Action-Energy (Kriya-Shakti) emitted by the bangles is generated around the woman’s body and she is protected from the negative energies.

The Divine Energy Principle (Shakti-tattva) is activated in the woman and her body sheaths are purified; similarly, the premises too gets purified.

Due the movement of the bangles, the woman’s Raja component increases. This Raja component activates the Primal Energy Principle (Adishakti-tattva) in the woman’s body. The woman’s body benefits from the awakened Shakti-tattva, helping in purifying her vital body and mental body sheaths. As the waves of Adishakti spread into the atmosphere, the Raja-Tama particles in the premises disintegrate and the premises gets purified.

Subtle process about the protection from negative energies is as follows:
Due to union of the action waves present in the bangles, they are charged with the waves of Kriya-Shakti.

Due to the touch of the waves of Kriya-Shakti, the Sun channel (Surya-nadi) of the woman is activated.

Waves of Shakti are emitted into the atmosphere from the Sun channel.

Due to the waves of Kriya-Shakti emitted by the bangles, a rapidly moving protective sheath of Raja waves is generated around the woman’s body.

That is how, the woman is protected from negative energies present in the atmosphere.
3.3 Number of bangles to be worn

The bangles are worn in each hand in a specific number. As a result, a specific Shakti is created.Number of
bangles Type of Shakti
3 Tarak
6 Tarak-Marak
8 Marak-Tarak
12 Marak

From this viewpoint, it is important for a woman of a particular age to wear bangles in a specific number.

Importance of girls wearing three, or less bangles: Shakti is present in girls in an unmanifest form. Also, they have lesser impressions (sanskars) in them. Vibrations of Saviour Energy (Tarak-Shakti) are active in girls. By wearing three or less bangles, a slight inertia indicating sound is created in the bangles. Due to this sound, the girl gets the strength to perform a task.

Science underlying wearing of more bangles by a newly married woman: Destroyer (Marak) waves are created by the sound of the bangles worn in larger numbers by a newly married woman. With the help of these waves, the newly married woman is protected from the evil-eye and attacks of negative energies.
3.4 Various colours of bangles and their features

Vibrations of the glass bangles change according to their colour.

A. Green glass bangles: Green colour depicts continuous speed or pace that is Chetna, through the medium of the Energy of Action (Kriya-Shakti).That is why trees are of green colour. Kriya-Shakti in the Universe is attracted to the green colour particles in the leaves. Similar benefits are obtained by a woman who wears green bangles.

Wearing of green bangles by married women is indicative of their chastity. This is symbolic of worshipping the manifest form of the Divine Energy (Shakti) with its ornaments. Waves of Female Deity (Devi) Principle are active in the green bangles. These waves are absorbed by the wrists and spread to the entire hand. Due to the sattvikta, Devi Principle and Chaitanya in the bangles, a protective sheath is created around the wrist and fingers, and they are protected from negative energies.

The activity taking place at the subtle level due to the green bangles:

Particles of Bliss (Anand) spread into the body of the woman, through the bangles.

Waves of Divine Energy (Shakti) spread into the body of the woman, through the bangles.

B. Red glass bangles: The Destroyer Principle (Marak-tattva) from the waves in the form of Energy of Action (Kriya-Shakti) of the Primal Energy (Adishakti) present in the Universe is attracted to the bangles worn by women. Due to the red colour of the bangles, there is an increase in the proportion of attraction of the Destroyer Principle of the Adishakti. There are many shades of red colour, such as dark-red, blood-red, copper-red, brownish-red etc. Depending on every colour, there is a change in their vibrations and effects. Brownish-red
bangles Green bangles
1. Three components
(Triguns) in the
bangles Tama-Raja Raja-Sattva
2. Principle Negligible
destroyer, but
passive Saviour-
3. Divine Energy
(Shakti) in the
bangles Inert and in the
form of
Absolute Earth
(Pruthvi-tatva) In the saviour
4. Form of Divine
Energy (Shakti) Unmanifest Manifest and
5. Active Principle Inferior sagun Medium sagun
6. Function Accumulation of
vibrations of
Divine Energy
(Shakti) Creation of
purity through
the vibrations

Some women wear shiny green colour bangles with designs on them, while some women wear such bangles without any designs on them. Raja-Tama-dominant vibrations are emitted by these bangles. As a result, lustful thoughts or thoughts of fame are created in the woman’s mind. Due to the golden designs on the bangles, obstacles are created in the absorption of Divine Principle in the bangles. Even in the bangles without designs, the Divine Principle is attracted only in a small proportion due to their shiny colour. It will be clear from this, that the golden designs and the shiny colour do not give benefit of the Divine Principle. Instead of such bangles, one should wear bangles without designs on them and which have a smooth surface.
3.5 Why wearing a watch on one hand and bangles on the other is inappropriate?

The subtle sound emitted by the watch attracts negative energies. As a result, by wearing a watch instead of bangles, there is a possibility of the woman getting distressed by negative energies.

Difference in the effects of wearing a watch and bangles on the wrists: Wearing a watch Wearing bangles
1. Nature Raja-Tama-dominant Sattvik
2. Creation of
sound (Nad) Distressing Full of Chaitanya
3. Attracts Negative energies Divine energy
4. Generation of
a covering Through distressing
waves Through waves
full of Chaitanya
5. Effect in the
context of
energies Experiencing distress Protection from
negative energies
6. Effect on the
environment Gets polluted Gets purified

It will be clear from the above table, that wearing a watch not only produces an asattvik clicking sound, but also attracts distress of negative energies; therefore, it is more beneficial to wear bangles that protect the woman through the sound generated from their sattvik tinkling. Nowadays as per the need of the modern era, one can wear a wrist watch and bangles together.
3.6 Reason for the sudden cracking or breaking of bangles

Through the glass bangles, spiritual healing takes place on a woman. In this, women who are affected by negative energies have to face various kinds of distress.

Not feeling like wearing bangles

Getting fever or other physical distress upon wearing bangles

Despite wearing tight bangles, their slipping out by themselves

Bangles breaking frequently

Bangles breaking unexpectedly, causing injury to the hand and due to this the woman not being able to wear bangles etc.

Many women would have experienced that bangles unexpectedly develop cracks, that is, break without any reason. Sorcerers (mantriks), that is, powerful negative energies from the fourth region of Hell transmit black energy with a great speed. This transmission is impactful. The speed creates sound. When a bangle comes into contact with this sound, it unexpectedly cracks. When a bangle breaks without any reason, it indicates a battle between powerful negative energies and the ornaments. Sometimes, when one is not even aware of the breaking of the bangle, it is broken by a negative energy only.
3.7 Reason for not wearing a cracked or a broken bangle, as per the spiritual science

Broken bangles create distressing and impactful vibrations. There is a possibility of negative energies getting attracted to such bangles. As a result, the possibility of distress of negative energies to the woman also increases.

Spiritual experience of a seeker, when her bangles developed cracks: On 27th September 2008, a bangle in the hand of a lady-seeker broke unexpectedly. In the same manner, on 29th September 2008, one more bangle of the lady-seeker broke. The lady-seeker conducted a subtle analysis of this occurrence. She realised that due to breaking of the bangle, black energy was entering the void between the bangle and the hand. The entire bangle was charged with black energy. The black energy began to slowly flow in an upward direction on the hands and then spread to the entire body. The lady-seeker became restless. Her restlessness reduced only after removing the bangle.

From this spiritual experience of the lady-seeker, it is evident that the negative energies gain control over the mind and intellect of a woman who wears a cracked bangle. As a result, distress like experiencing restlessness, negative thoughts entering the mind etc. may take place.
3.8 Reason for negative energies attacking the bangle

When a woman wears a bangle, a kind of void is created around her wrist. Due to this void, this medium is helpful in spiritual healing through the Absolute Ether Element (Akash-tattva), that is, the healing at the Nirgun level. Waves of the Divine Principle are also attracted to the sound caused by wearing the bangles. These waves are spread into the body of the woman through the bangles. This enhances the sattvikta in a woman who wears the bangles. This increase in sattvikta is distressing for negative energies. Negative energies attack the bangles and create a situation where the woman is not able to wear bangles.

Spiritual experience related to strong desire of wearing bangles: During the Arati of Srikrushna in the morning, awareness about my own existence began to reduce. I had a strong desire to wear green bangles in both the hands. At that time, I felt good vibrations, from my shoulders to the fingers. I experienced the existence of Sri Durgadevi in the body and awareness about my own existence began to reduce. - Mrs. Sujata Kulkarni, Maharashtra

Importance of wearing bangles will be clear from the spiritual experience of Mrs. Sujata. In Hindu Dharma, wearing bangles is an important Conduct (Achar). Abiding by this Conduct, a woman gets various spiritual experiences of Divine Energy (Shakti), Divine consciousness (Chaitanya), Bliss (Anand) etc.
3.9 Gold bangles

Various types of gold bangles are found. These traditional bangles also have special designs on them.

A flat gold bangle or patali. This bangle is thicker and broader when compared to glass bangles.

Gold bangle or Swarnakankan. Its breadth is similar to that of glass bangles. It is also known as ‘Bilwar’.

Toda is a little broader than a patali. A specific type of design is engraved on it.

Gotha are thick bangles without any design. They are worn at both the ends after wearing bangles.

If the design on the gold bangles is sattvik, then there are good and beneficial effects. If the design is asattvik, then there is distress too upon wearing such bangles.

Effects of wearing a gold toda:

Chaitanya is activated in the toda.

This Chaitanya is transmitted into the body of the woman who wears the toda.

A spiral of Divine Energy (Shakti) is activated in the toda.

Similar subtle level effects take place upon wearing other gold bangles.
The matter provided in this article is currently in the process of publishing.

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