
Friday, December 17, 2010

PART 5- How Old is Indian History & Culture: ( Description of bhu lok, History of Bharatvarsh etc) by Bhuvan Singh

How Old is Indian History & Culture: PART 5 ( Description of bhu lok, History of Bharatvarsh etc)
by Bhuvan Singh

on Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 12:20pm

Om Namoh Bhagwate Vasudevaya


In this brahmand Bhagwan Vishnu's abode is called Ksheer Sagar. God Shiv's abode is called Kailash and Goddess Durga's abode is called Mani Dweep. Ganesh and Kartikeya are the two sons of Shiv. Goddess Parvati is the eternal consort of Shiv, and Lakshmi is of Vishnu. Goddess Kali is also a power of Shiv. These are all the Divine powers. The celestial prime god is Brahma whose abode is called Brahm lok or satya lok. This is the configuration of one brahmand and there are unlimited brahmandas in this universe with the same configuration.


In one brahmand, the earth planet, sun, moon and its planetary system exist in the material space. But all the above described abodes are in a different dimension and in a different space.

Time factor

The time factor of Brahm lok and the next three celestial abodes is the same but the time factor of the fifth abode swah which is the abode of god Indra is different. There is a ratio of 1:12,000,000 between the abode of Brahma and the abode of Indra. The ratio of the time factor of the abode of Indra and the earth planet is 1:360.

Detailed description of Bhu lok

Bhu lok has seven independent divisions called seven dweeps. They are described in the Bhagwatam (5/20). Jamboo Dweep is the central one and it is in a circular shape. It is surrounded by the salty ocean. The other six dweeps surround Dweep but they are twice as big as compared to their previous one. It means if Jamboo Dweep is one unit then they are 1:2:4:8:16:32:64 times bigger.

Jamboo Dweep

Jamboo Dweep has nine sections called varsh. The central one is Ilavrit Varsh and in the center of Ilavit Varsh the golden Sumeru Hill is thee. Ilavrit Varsh is surrounded by other eight varshas and each varsh is seperated by a particular hill. All the nine varshas are equal in size/ Out of these nine , Bharat Varsh is our earth planet. The rest of the eight varshas along with their dividing hills and the Sumeru Hill and the salty ocean tha surrounds them are all in the celestial space.


Please circulate/share this article to the maximum number of people over the internet (blogs/forums/facebook, other social networking and otherwise as well). The aspiring leaders particularly the youth of India must know our value of real history and culture as VEDAS belongs to all. This the key to bring TRUE AND SUSTAINABLE REFORMS.


Earth planet and the science of the classification of the four yugas

Earth planet (along with sun, moon and the planetary system) exists in the material space but is a part of bhu lok. Apart from this planetary system the rest of the bhu loke is called bhu swarg (swarg means celestial abode). Some of the great Divine kings like Prithu and Mandhata etc ruled the entire bhu lok while lilving on the earth planet. All the Manus also live either on the earh planet or anywhere in the bhu lok.

The four yugas satyug, tretayug, dwaparyug,and kaligyug which are called one maha yug is 4,320,000 years on the earth planet and in god Indra's abode it is 4,32,000 (÷) 360 = 12,000 celestial years. In the celestial abodes it is only called maha yug; it is not divided and classified as satyug, treta yug, dwaparyug and kaliyug. This classification and division is only on the earth planet because it is related to the good, bad and the devotional karmas of the souls. There is no such classification of karmas in the celestial abodes. Any kind of karm in a celestial abode bears no further consequence. It is just an action. Only on the earth planet the karmas of human being are classified according to the doer's motivation and thinking. So this earth planet is called the karm bhoomi which means tha this is the only place where a human being recives the outcome of his actions and thoughts.

Thus if a soul gains the right understanding and follows the correct path of devotion of God, he may recieve God realisation and become equally Blissful as God Himself; and this supreme facility is available on this very eath planet where you are, and for every human being of this world.

History of Bharatvarsh (world) according to the Bhagwatam

The total age of our planetary system is 155.52 trillion years. A very common oblatory verse of the Vedic ritual relates the total existing life span of Brahma. It is very commonly used in all of the Vedic rituals.

"Shribrahmano dwitiyapradhre shwetavarahkalpe vaivswatmanvantre ashtavimshatitme

Kaliyuge kaliprathamcharne jamboodwipe bharatarvade aryavartekadeshantargate''

It says " This is the first day of the second half of Brahma's life (of one hundred years) which is called ' Shvet Varah kalp (kalp means day) and the first part of the twenty-eight kaliyug of the seventh Vaivaswat manavantar. It is Aryavart, which is a part of this earth planet called Bhartvarsh that belongs to the Jamboo Dweep of bhu lok".

Brahma's total life is one hundred years and every year has 360 days. The modulation of time energy o this univesrse is different in different denomintaions of spaces, which are: (1) The space of Brahama's abode; (2) the space of god Indra's celestial abode; and (3) the visible space of our galactic world.

One day of Brahma comes to 4.320 million years of the earth planet and the same length of time is his night when he sleeps, dissolving all the creations of the eath planet and assimilating all the souls into his own self. The next he recreates them in the same way as they were before. There are fourteen divisions of his day called the manavantars and all the fourteen manvantars have a name that goes with the name of the Divine personality called Manu who restores and reorgansises the civilisation of the mayic human beings.

The onward going 'time' energy infused with the subtle mayic qualities of sattava, raj and tam shows a combination of these qualities in the form of high and low grades of piousness in four consecutive sections called satyugm tretayug, dwapar yug, kaligyug (yug means the period) that remains impregnated in the manifestation of the mundane space and shows its effects on the minds of the people living in that dimension. Satyug shows the most of the piousnwess like 100%; tretayug, a little less, say 75%; dwaparyug, much less like 50%; and kaliyug just 25% of piousness and 75% selfishness. As the time goes on piousness decreases an selfishness increases till it becomes almost 100% at the end of kaliyug and then again, satyug starts and the minds of the people automatically begin to divert towards piousness.

One cycle of the four yugas is like one unit of the calculation of time. There are 1,000 cycles of the four yugas is like one unit of the calculation of time. Ther are 1,000 cycles in one day of Brahma. In this way there are 71 cycles in one manvantar and the remaining time is like the joining the peiriod between the two manvantars. Satyug is of 1,728,000 years, tretayug 1,296,000 years, dwaparyug 864,000 years and kaliyug is of 432,000 years. All the four total to 4.32 million years.

According to the mantra above, Brahma is in the first day of his fifty-first year, and the exact time of his day is the first part of kaliyug of the 28th cycle of the seventh manvantar. Thus the current life of Brahma according to human years comes to 155.52 trillion years.



Please circulate/share this article to the maximum number of people over the internet (blogs/forums/facebook, other social networking and otherwise as well). The aspiring leaders particularly the youth of India must know our value of real history and culture as VEDAS belongs to all. This the key to bring TRUE AND SUSTAINABLE REFORMS.


End of Article 5

Article 1 (Creation of Universe)

Article 2 (Time and Origin)

Article 3 (Aim of creation)

Article 4 How Old is Indian History and Culture: PART 4 (Absolute age of the earth planet and the sun, The revival procedure)

Courtesy: True Religion and History

Next article: History of the past 1,972 million years, which is the present day of Brahma when he restored this earth planet and the civilisation started.

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