
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt

I don't use refined white table salt, either. Instead, I use Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt because it contains the full spectrum of 84 minerals and trace elements just like Mother Earth intended. It is an unrefined, unprocessed "raw" salt that's hand-mined from abundant salt caves that were formed 250 million years ago as ocean salt settled in certain geologic pockets around the earth.

Most of the western world thinks of salt as sodium chloride -- a highly refined, processed white substance that's devoid of nutrients. Salt is so devoid of nutrients, in fact, that in the early 20th century, doctors noticed that people who ate white table salt started to suffer chronic degenerative diseases such as goiter. This was caused by the lack of iodine in the salt.

Iodine deficiency, by the way, is the No. 1 most preventable cause of mental retardation. Eating processed salt that lacks iodine, in other words, can cause your offspring to be retarded.

Now what's really interesting about processed table salt is that it's missing over 80 minerals. But they only put ONE mineral back in -- iodine. That's because iodine is the one mineral that causes the most obvious disease (goiter is sort of hard to not notice).

Iodine is a naturally occurring mineral in the ocean. It's abundant in seafood and in real sea salt, but it's completely missing from refined white table salt.

So they started adding iodine to table salt, creating "iodized salt."

But why would you want to eat salt that's been artificially enriched with ONE mineral when you could be eating salt that naturally contains eighty-four minerals?

Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt contains 84 minerals and trace minerals, including iodine!

The way to tell if your salt is really full-spectrum salt is to look at the color. If it's pure white, it's not full-spectrum. White salt is just like white sugar: It's missing the key supporting minerals and nutrients your body needs.

Full-spectrum salt always has a non-white color. Celtic Sea Salt, for example (which is really good salt) has a brownish sandy color. Our Pink Himalayan salt is a sort of sandy rose color. All the truly natural full-spectrum salts are sandy or brownish in color.

Some other things you may not know about full-spectrum salt:

• This product stores for years. It's naturally shelf-stable as long as you keep it relatively dry and unopened. Store in a dark, cool place for longest shelf life.

• Full-spectrum salt is a crucial preparedness item. Your body cannot live without salt, and in a crisis situation, real salt may be very difficult to come by in many areas. Storing full-spectrum salt is not only good for your health today; it's a type of nutritional insurance against future food shortages.

• If you exercise a lot, juice a lot or live in a very hot climate, your body may actually need more salt than you're getting. But processed salt doesn't provide all the minerals your body needs to replenish. Only full-spectrum salt fulfills your body's true salt needs.

• A craving for junk foods is often just a craving for full-spectrum salt. When your body lacks minerals, it urges you to consume more. This is often mistranslated in your mind as a craving for salty snack foods. But consuming full-spectrum salt (in a reasonable amount) can often ease your junk food cravings.

Our Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt comes from the Himalayan Region of the Karakoram mountain range located 400 miles from the Hunza Valley in Pakistan. (

Our salt is always stone ground. No metal ever touches the salt during grinding. All the salt is extracted by hand from the salt caves (ancient sea bed deposits). No salt from other sources is mixed with this salt. This is 100% from the Karakoram mountain range salt caves.

These salt deposits are roughly 250 million years old, meaning they were deposited long before the earth became polluted with heavy metals, pesticides and PCBs. While there is really no such thing as "organic" salt, this is probably the most pristine salt you'll find anywhere on the planet. Eating this salt is a lot like going back in time and consuming minerals from pre-industrial Earth.

Are you aware of salt sole'? my wife is an ayurvedic practitioner, and we have been consuming a 1/4 tsp of dissolved himalayan pink salt in a glass of fresh water. (spring or well, untreated, as chlorine destroys the ability of water to transport information), this is a wonderful way to get the salt in that we need each day. i have lost all my extra weight, over 100 pounds by eating within my dosha and maintaining a daily intake of pink salt. thanks for the article, you can fing us at peace, roy

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