
Friday, November 26, 2010

Religious Demography Of India - India is currently a demographically-challenged civilisation. by Sachin Drafts

Religious Demography Of India - India is currently a demographically-challenged civilisation.
by Sachin Drafts

on Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 11:26am

Religious Demography Of India


INDIA is one of the only two regions of the world where a great human civilisation took birth several millennia ago and has survived more or less uninterrupted to this day. The other is China. Probably an equally great civilisation arose in the Americas and flourished for long; but the American civilisation and almost all her people were extinguished when Europe began to extend its influence to the American shores. African civilisation was also disrupted and her people decimated, though not as thoroughly as in the Americas. Europe, America and other areas of the world peopled by the Europeans, as also the Arab and other West Asian lands, are indeed centres of great and vibrant human civilisations today. But, the Christian and the Islamic civilisations that they represent are relatively new developments in human history.Geographically, India is not as vast as China, Europe or the Americas. But in terms of natural resources essential for the flourishing of human civilisation – cultivable land, water and sunshine – India is as well if not better endowed than these. Even today, when India, along with almost all other parts of the world, has experienced a great resurgence of population, the number of persons per unit of cultivated land in India remains below that of Europe or China.

It is not surprising therefore that notwithstanding the relative compactness of her geographical expanse, India has been always a land of great multitudes. India and China together have accounted for more than half the population of the world at least from the beginning of the Christian era to 1850. In the earlier centuries of the era, the combined share of India and China was considerably more than half that of the world; and Indians outnumbered the Chinese up to at least 1500.The other timeless fact about India, besides the extraordinary fertility of her lands and numerousness of her people, is the homogeneity of her civilisation and culture. Perceptive observers of India from the earliest times have often acknowledged and commented upon the uniqueness of Indian ideas and institutions that pervade nearly every part of India. This cultural homogeneity has come under stress during the last two hundred years or so, basically under the influence of modern ideologies that tend to look upon the homogeneity of India as a source of oppression and backwardness. This ideological prejudice manifests in the public life of India in the name of protection of distinctive ways of life of religious minorities, especially those belonging to Islam and Christianity. Such influences have led to Partition of India into three separate political entities; religious heterogeneity of certain parts of India formed the sole basis for this.

This book attempts to compile and study changes in these two basic determinants of Indian demography: the share of her people in the population of the world, and the civilisational and cultural homogeneity of her people. Indian census operations that began in 1871 have always classified the people of India according to their religious affiliation. After Independence, cross-tabulation of data on religion was discontinued, but basic data on religious affiliation has continued to be collected. The census data, covering a period of 120 years, forms the basis of our compilation and analysis. During this fairly long period, the country has been partitioned; the larger administrative units formed by the states, provinces and divisions have been extensively reorganised; and the field level administrative units comprising of the districts have been repeatedly rearranged. The census data for the previous years therefore has to be carefully reworked to make it correspond to the current administrative units. Much of this reworking has been carried out by the census organisations of Indian Union, Pakistan and Bangladesh. We have compiled the available information for India; for the three constituent units into which India has been partitioned; for the states, provinces and divisions within these units; and for the districts of Indian Union. This extensive data is presented in the Detailed Tables that form the second part of this book.

The first chapter of the book looks at the growth of total population for India as a whole, and for Indian Union, Pakistan and Bangladesh, separately, and puts this growth in the context of the changing share of different people in the population of the world. This chapter also lays down the basic definitions and assumptions employed in our study and the corrections that have to be carried out in the enumerated census data to take care of the errors of under-enumeration and under-coverage, etc.In the second chapter, we compile and present the changing religious profile of the populations of Indian Union, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and of India, encompassing all three of these units. Since this book is concerned mainly with the heterogeneity introduced by Islam and Christianity, populations for the purpose of this study are divided into three large groups: Muslims, Christians, and the rest, who may be collectively termed as Indian Religionists. In the third chapter, we carry this analysis further to the level of the states, provinces and divisions of Indian Union, Pakistan and Bangladesh. 

The next three chapters go further still, to the level of the districts of Indian Union.Indian Religionists, as defined above, of course include, besides the Hindus, many fairly large religious groups, like Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains, who are important on their own, and several smaller groups, some of whom, like Parsis and Jews, may not be of Indian origin. We discuss the growth and distribution of the religious groups other than the Hindus that have been included in the category of Indian Religionists separately in the seventh chapter.In the last chapter, we put the changing religious demography of India in the context of similar changes that have taken place in the world during the twentieth century. The chapter presents and analyses data on the growth of Christianity and Islam in all major regions and countries of the world.Throughout our analysis, we employ the term “India” for the geographical and historical India that encompasses the three countries into which India was partitioned in the course of the twentieth century. The individual countries separately are always referred to as Indian Union, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The last census for which detailed religious composition of populations is available is that of 1991; therefore, we carry all collation of data and analysis up to that year. From about the middle of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth century was a period of great strain for most non-European people of the world. During this period, the share of people of European origin in the population of the world rose by about 10 percentage points, while the share of other people correspondingly declined. This rapid rise in the proportion of European people, facilitated largely by the peopling of the American continent, came on top of at least two centuries of growth during which their share had risen by another about 10 percentage points. In the 1930’s, the share of European people in the population of the world reached its peak of nearly 40 percent.By the middle of the twentieth century, most non-European people of the world began to come out of the long period of direct European rule. And with the coming of freedom, they began to experience a great blossoming of their populations. In the latter half of the twentieth century, the share of African and Asian populations in the world rose sharply to largely neutralise the gains made by European people during the previous hundred years or so. 

India also participated in this great revival of non-European people. The share of people of Indian origin thus rose to above 20 percent of the population of the world from about 16 percent in 1950. Indian share in the world today is about the same as in 1850. Up to the middle of the last millennium, however, and perhaps up to the middle of the eighteenth century, we used to form a much larger part of the world.The people of Indian origin thus have improved their share in the population of the world considerably in the course of the twentieth century. The share of Indian Religionists amongst the Indians, however, is a different story. The proportion of Indian Religionists in the population of India has declined by 11 percentage points during the period of 110 years for which census information is available. Indian Religionists formed 79.32 percent of the population in 1881 and 68.03 percent in 1991. 

This is an extraordinarily high decline to take place in just about a century; at the peak of Mughal rule at the time of Akbar, after nearly four hundred years of Islamic domination, the proportion of Muslims in India was said to be no more than one-sixth of the population. If the trend of decline seen during 1881-1991 continues, then the proportion of Indian Religionists in India is likely to fall below 50 percent early in the latter half of the twenty-first century.Within Indian Union, the decline suffered by Indian Religionists during this period is less pronounced; their proportion declined from 86.64 percent in 1901 to 85.09 percent in 1991. This is largely because there was an increase of almost 3 percentage points in the proportion of Indian Religionists in Indian Union between 1941 and 1951, as a result of the forced and violent transfer of populations associated with Partition. Since 1951, the share of Indian Religionists within Indian Union has declined by more than 2 percentage points.

In the areas that form Pakistan now, the proportion of Indian Religionists rose considerably during the pre-Partition period, from 15.93 percent in 1901 to 19.69 percent in 1951. This is the only region of India, where Indian Religionists registered any gains in the course of the twentieth century. Partition immediately negated these gains; the proportion of Indian Religionists declined to 1.60 percent in 1951, and has remained around that figure since then.In the areas that form Bangladesh now, Indian Religionists formed 33.93 percent of the population in 1901; their proportion declined to 29.61 percent by 1941 and further to 22.89 in 1951 as a consequence of Partition. Between 1951 and 1991, proportion of Indian Religionists in Bangladesh has been declining precipitously; they form only 11.37 percent of the population in 1991, less than half of their share in 1951. As we have mentioned above, decline in the proportion of Indian Religionists within Indian Union has not been too remarkable, though they have lost about 2 percentage points off their share since Independence and Partition. But the detailed district-wise data analysed in the book shows that the decline has been fairly steep in certain geographically well-defined pockets of the country, while in most parts Indian Religionists continue to hold sway.A very large part of Indian Union, comprising almost all of the northwestern, western, central and southern states, has seen little decline in the proportion of Indian Religionists. Indian Religionists have an overwhelming dominance in this vast region that includes almost two-thirds of the geographical area and about 57 percent of the population in 1991. 

They form more than 91 percent of the population of the region; their proportion has declined only marginally since 1951. Within the region there are only a few small pockets, where Christians or Muslims have any significant presence.In the heartland and eastern regions of Indian Union, comprising Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Assam, however, Indian Religionists are under great pressure. This region encompasses the most fertile lands of India and accommodates about 37 percent of the population in 1991 on about 19 percent of the geographic area of Indian Union. Here, Indian Religionists have a share of only about 80 percent in the population; and, they have suffered a decline of about 4 percentage points in their share in the four decades between 1951 and 1991. 

The rest of the population is formed mainly of Muslims, who have a share of nearly 19 percent in the population. Christians in this region are few; they have a share of less than 1 percent of the population. Christians have a significant presence only in two limited pockets: One, the pocket formed by the undivided Ranchi district of Bihar and neighbouring districts of Raigarh in Madhya Pradesh and Sundargarh in Orissa; and two, the North Cachar Hills district of Assam.Muslims form a significant presence in the whole of this region. But their presence is especially high in a northern border belt that starts from Bahraich district of eastern Uttar Pradesh and moves through Gonda, Basti, Gorakhpur and Deoria districts of the state; to Champaran, Muzaffarpur, Darbhanga, Saharsa, Purnia and Santhal Pargana districts of Bihar; West Dinajpur, Maldah, Birbhum and Murshidabad districts of West Bengal; and Goalpara, Kamrup, Darrang and Nagaon districts of Assam. Muslims form about 28 percent of the population of this border belt; their growth here has been high enough to add almost 7 percentage points to their share of the population in the four decades since Partition. The districts we have counted above are undivided districts, as they existed in 1971. Since then, the districts have been divided several times. 

The proportion of Muslims in the new smaller border districts is even higher; available data indicates that several blocks and police-station areas along the border have recorded a very high presence and growth of Muslims.In addition to the northern border belt, Muslims also have a high and fast-growing presence in an interior region centred on Muzaffarnagar district of western Uttar Pradesh, in the region around Calcutta in West Bengal, and in Cachar district of Assam.Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Assam, and especially the border areas of these states, thus constitute a region of high Muslim presence and growth. The share of Indian Religionists in this region is under great stress and is likely to remain so in the future; Indian Religionists have already turned into a minority in several districts of the region.Finally, there is a third region of Indian Union comprising the extreme border areas – including Jammu and Kashmir in the north, Goa and Kerala in the West, Lakshadweep and Nicobar Islands off the Indian coast, and the states of the northeast – where Indian Religionists do not have a dominating presence. 

Indian Religionists form only about a third of the population of Jammu and Kashmir; their presence in the valley districts of the state is insignificant. Their share in the population of the state as a whole has indeed improved slightly after Partition. The valley, however, has become almost entirely Muslim, while the Jammu region has become more predominantly Indian Religionist in the period following 1951. In Goa, Indian Religionists constitute about two-thirds of the population; of the rest about 30 percent are Christians and 5 percent Muslims. This is one of the rare states, where Indian Religionists have considerably improved their share; the state seems likely to acquire a religious profile similar to the neighbouring states of Karnataka and Maharashtra in the near future.In Kerala, Indian Religionists have been losing ground throughout the twentieth century. They have a share of 57 percent in the population in 1991; this is about 12 percentage points less than their share in 1901. They have lost about 6 percentage points to Christians and about the same to Muslims; the gains of Christians occurred largely during the pre-Partition period of 1901-1941 and those of Muslims during the post-Partition period of 1951-1991. This loss of about 12 percentage points in the course of the twentieth century has occurred on top of the substantial losses that Indian Religionists in Kerala suffered due to large-scale conversions to Islam during the later part of eighteenth century and to Christianity during the nineteenth. 

Thus in the course of the last three centuries, Indian Religionists have comprehensively lost their dominance in this coastal state.Lakshadweep Islands off the Kerala coast have been predominantly Muslim throughout the twentieth century. Nicobar Islands that form the southernmost outpost of India have turned almost 70 percent Christian in the recent past.The most dramatic story of the twentieth century is that of the northeastern states, not including Assam which we have already discussed above. In 1901, Indian Religionists formed more than 90 percent of the population of these states, while Christians formed less than 2 percent. In 1991 the proportion of Indian Religionists is reduced to less than 60 percent, while that of Christians has risen to nearly 40 percent. Most of this change has occurred during the period following Independence; in 1941, Indian Religionists still formed nearly 90 percent of the population, and even in 1931, the year for which census figures for converts to Christianity are said to be more reliable, proportion of Indian Religionists in the population was more than 80 percent; of the rest only about 10 percent were Christians. 

Share of Indian Religionists in the population of the region today seems somewhat respectable because of the persistence of Indian Religionists in Tripura and the central districts of Manipur; these areas were ruled by avowedly Vaishnava states for several centuries. In other parts of the region, especially in Nagaland, Mizoram, outer districts of Manipur and much of Meghalaya, Indian Religionists have been reduced to an insignificant minority. Thus, Indian Religionists have suffered a loss of more than 11 percentage points between 1881 and 1991 in India as a whole, which constitutes a drastic change in the religious profile of a compact geographical region like India. It is, however, even more significant that the losses have been highly pronounced in border regions, especially after Independence. This is leading to the formation of border pockets, where Indian Religionists are in a minority or nearly so. Existence of such distinct pockets formed the demographic basis of Partition of the country in 1947. 

A similar pocket of high Muslim influence seems to be now developing in the northern border belt covering the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Assam. And, a border pocket of even more intense Christian influence has developed in the northeastern states. Nicobar Islands district on the extreme southern tip of the country has been Christianised. And, Indian Religionists have lost sway in the western coastal state of Kerala. Most of these changes have taken place in the short span of time since Independence and Partition. Viewed in the perspective of the changes that have taken place in the religious demography of the world, Indian experience of this period is not too dismal. In the course of the twentieth century, Christianity has swept through the continent of Africa, where the proportion of Christians in the population has risen to nearly 45 percent from less than 10 percent in 1900. Christians have also made significant gains in several countries of Asia, especially South Korea and Indonesia. 

During the same period, Muslims have considerably increased their share in the world, going up from about 12 percent in 1900 to about 19 percent in 1990. Their proportion in the population has improved in almost every part of the world; the gains have been especially significant in parts of Africa, and in Indonesia in Asia.India, on the whole, has resisted Christianisation; proportion of Christians in India remains around 2 percent. And, India has not succumbed to the expansion of Islam like some countries of Africa. But Indian experience of the twentieth century has not been nearly as robust as that of the other great non-Islamic and non-Christian civilisation of the world, China. During the course of the twentieth century, not only the proportion but also the absolute number of Muslims in China has declined, and Christianity has failed to find any foothold there. India has not responded like China. Consequently, India has suffered Partition, and several border areas of the post-Partition Indian Union have become vulnerable to non-Indian Religionist influences. We dedicate this book to the memory of Shri Ram Swarupji, who made us aware of the grand dynamics of great civilisations and who always encouraged us in our work with his benign blessings. 

Vasanta Panchami, Kali 5104February 6, 2003Chennai APJ, MDS & JKB


* Apply sour lemon cream on your face. Do not rinse this mask off completely; gently wipe off with a soft tissue and top it up with a moisturizer.
* Lemon juice is a tried and tested remedy for treating freckles. Apply lemon juice with your fingers on the affected area; lemon juice bleaches the dark spots.
* Regular use of fruit and vegetable masks such as those made with apricots, strawberries, cucumbers and red currant will help lighten freckles.
* Wash your face with sour milk. Lactic acid promotes gentle peeling of skin minus the irritation or dryness.
* Heat honey slightly and apply to face, tap face gently with your fingers. Wash honey off with warm water then rinse with cool water. Stir in a little quantity of wheat germ into the honey before applying.
* Horseradish juice or horseradish vinegar, or oatmeal dabbed on the skin is also helpful in lightening freckles.
* Apply parsley juice mixed with equal amounts of lemon juice, orange juice, and red currant juice under your favorite cream will help you keep your freckles invisible.
* Apply odorless olive oil or vitamin E at night before going to bed.
* Dissolve some sugar in the juice of one lemon. Apply mixture to each freckle with a brush.
2. Grind yellow mustard in milk and apply to the face during the night. Wash your face the next morning.
* Onions also can be used for removing freckles and age spots. Slice a red onion in half and rub on the spots twice daily. Continue until the spots fade.
* Applying buttermilk on freckles is thought to help in lightening them.
* Mix an equal quantity of turmeric and sesame seeds. Grind in water and apply to the face.
* Take a watermelon, make a hole in its rind and introduce some grains of rice in it. Take out the rice after 9 weeks. Be sure to put it in the fridge! Grind into a paste and apply on the face.
* To lighten freckles, mash 1/4 cup of unripe currants and mix with 1 tbsp. of unpasteurized honey. Put on freckles and leave on for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water and dab on diluted fresh lemon juice.
3. Apply sour cream to face and leave for 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Is India Secular? Answers - Dr.Subramanian Swamy interview with CTS TV C...

Is India Secular? Answers - Dr.Subramanian Swamy interview with CTS TV Canada - Part 3

Dr.Subramanian Swamy interview on Hinduism with CTS TV Canada - Part2

Dr.Subramanian Swamy interview on Hinduism with CTS TV Canada - Part2

Dr.Subramanian Swamy interview on Hinduism with CTS TV Canada - Part1

Dr.Subramanian Swamy interview on Hinduism with CTS TV Canada - Part1

5 days ago

Christianity in its core spiritual values, of love, compassion, truth. ... is no different from any other religion. But , except for this, Christian texts,like Islamic ones, are full of many untenable and invalid and downright irrational nonsense which have been overthrown over centuries due to secular-scientific thinking.

>> b.

5 days ago

>> b)The Christian church right from te Vatican Pope down to local bishops preach fanaticism and intolerance merely because that is what those people think will testify to their loyalty to Jesus. This is untenable and will be forcefully, and wherever necessary, forcibly, is being countered by adherents of rival religions.

5 days ago

>> c) In other words, what we call today terrorism is traceable to these bigots and fanatis of Christianity, which has absolutely no locus standi to try and expand its flock size, but due to the accumulated monetary resources and virtually unlimited hordes of propagandists and Evangelicals who must be kept busy, has sprawled horribly across all the globe.

5 days ago

>> d) The Christian bigots, in their highly systematised epansion ampaigns using deceiptful methods of brainwashing of innocent and gullible and needy people everwhere, have no scruples to unleash deceptions like miracle cures, and have first denigrated and finally desecrated considerably the other religions and their cultures which too are God's gifts. Hinduism and Buddhism, in fact, are much more ancient except in Christian falsehoods through their own history writings.

5 days ago

>> e) ... But the narrow minded and bigotted chrisatian church preaches Jesus as THE son of God and the 'Christian god' as sthe onl TRUE God, and the God of other religions leads man to hell. South Korea, after Philippines which is now one of the most criminalised societies after its total Christianisation, is the most active hotspots for these fanatic.

5 days ago

>> f) The new Chrisianised S. Korea is a model for a people who have all but lost their Buddhist spiritual soul to a rubbiosh called Christianity which has let down the West itself. It is followed by India where missionary hordes have stepped up their conversion activities with illegally imported funds and resources acquired illegally and through deceitful means (like, for charities which are masks for conversion activities).

5 days ago

g) In the name of adding Jesus as one more Hindu idol, for Hinduism as the best evolved way of living for all humanity, welomes -- as the interviewee in this video says in his own way -- adding to its pantheon new and inclusive forms of God represntation with friendly arms, the Evangelicals have driven a deep wedge with communal poison, and are demanding separate state outside Indian sovereignty, where theey are in major numbers.  >> (h)

5 days ago

h) This separatism and instigation of insurgency against the Indian state is a seasoned art of historical missionary hordes. In India's case, it is clear bullshit since India is just one fifth of the US in land area, and about 6 times bigger in population, though due to very deep culural and spiritual roots, has much more of family and living values.

5 days ago

i) India, moreover, has all its limited natural resurces under extreme pressure due to humongous population including illegal exoduses of mostly Muslims, from outside pouring into the landscape, by bribing their way with a corrupt Border police and being welomed by vote bank poliicians. Do these missionary fools ever pause to investigate what this conversion actually converts ?

5 days ago

j) Religion conversions in principle are required to be never induced as if man is basically unaware or unconscious of his own spiritual needs and drive, and proselytisation therefore is an aberration. In actual practice, Christianity ends up converting (changing) only the materialistic status of a person, which is NOT the funcion of a religion but an perverison, not conversion,

Monday, November 15, 2010

Why Julia Roberts Became a HinduThe Hollywood actress embraced Hinduism in the true sense By Subhamoy Das

Why Julia Roberts Became a HinduThe Hollywood actress embraced Hinduism in the true sense
By Subhamoy Das
, Guide

Nov 15 2010

Academy Award winning Hollywood actor Julia Roberts, who recently converted to Hinduism, reconfirmed her faith in Hinduism while commenting that her "opting for Hinduism is not a religious gimmick".

In an interview to The Hindu, "India's National Newspaper" dated November 13, 2010, Roberts said: "It is similar to Patsy of Razor's Edge by Somerset Maugham. We share a common aspect of finding peace and tranquility of mind in Hinduism, one of the oldest and respected religions of civilization".

Clarifying that actual spiritual satisfaction was the real reason behind her converting to Hinduism, Julia Roberts said: "I have no intention of demeaning any other religion simply because of my fondness for Hinduism. I don't believe in comparing religions or human beings. A comparison is a very mean thing to do. I have received real spiritual satisfaction through Hinduism."

Roberts, who grew up with a Catholic mother and Baptist father, reportedly became interested in Hinduism after seeing a picture of the deity Hanuman and the Hindu guru Neem Karoli Baba, who died in 1973 and whom she never met. She revealed in the past that the entire Roberts-Moder family went to temple together to "chant and pray and celebrate." She then announced, "I'm definitely a practicing Hindu."

According to reports, Roberts has been interested in yoga for quite some time. She was in the northern Indian state of Haryana (India) in September 2009 to shoot Eat, Pray, Love in an 'ashram' or hermitage. In January 2009, she was seen sporting a 'bindi' on her forehead during her trip to India. Her film production company is called 'Red Om Films,' named after the Hindu symbol 'Om' which is considered the mystical syllable containing the universe. There were reports that she was trying to adopt a child from India and her kids shaved their heads during her last visit to India.

Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, interpreting wisdom of ancient Hindu scriptures, suggested Roberts to realize the Self or pure consciousness through meditation. Hindus believe that real happiness comes from within, and God can be found within one's heart through meditation.

Quoting Shvetashvatara Upanishad, Zed pointed out to Roberts to be always aware that "worldly life is the river of God, flowing from him and flowing back to him." Stressing the importance of meditation, he quoted Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, and pointed out that if one meditates upon the Self, and realizes it, they can come to understand the meaning of life.

Rajan Zed further said that seeing Roberts' devotion, he would pray to lead her to the 'eternal joy.' If she needed any assistance in deeper Hinduism exploration, he or other Hindu scholars would be glad to help, Zed added.
This Diwali, Julia Roberts was in the news for her comment that ‘Diwali should be celebrated unanimously throughout the world as a gesture of goodwill’. Roberts equated Christmas with Diwali and said that both “are festivals of lights, good spirits and death of evil”. She further pointed out that Diwali “not only belongs to Hinduism but is universal in nature and in its essence too. Diwali ignites the values of self confidence, love for humanity, peace, prosperity and above all eternity which goes beyond all mortal factors… When I think of Diwali, I can never imagine a world broken into fragments by narrow feelings of communalism and religion which does not care for human benevolence.”

Julia Roberts said: "Ever since I developed my liking and fondness for Hinduism, I have been attracted and deeply fascinated by many facets of the multi-dimensional Hinduism… spirituality in it transcends many barriers of mere religion”. Talking of India, she promised “to return to this sacred land again and again for the best of creativity."

Ban on cow slaughter for Bakri Idd by the Hon’ble Kolkata High Court.

Ban on cow slaughter for Bakri Idd by the Hon’ble Kolkata High Court.

Cow slaughter banned by Calcutta High Court‘bakri-eid’-banned-by-calcutta-high-court/

Press Statement of Hindu Samhati on the Ban on cow slaughter for Bakri Idd by the Hon’ble Kolkata High Court.

by ~ Tapan Kumar Ghosh, President, Hindu Samhati

Kolkata, Nov 12 (IBNS): The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on Friday welcomed a judgement by the Calcutta High Court banning the slaughter of cows for religious purposes.
The weighty judgement comes days ahead of Eid Al-Adhha (Feast of Sacrifice) also known as ‘Bakri-Eid’ being observed by Muslims across India by sacrificing goats and even cows in some places.
The division bench of Chief Justice J N Patel and Justice Asim Ray of the Calcutta High Court on Friday declared the practice of sacrificing cow and its progeny for religious purpose as ‘unlawful’, the RSS statement said.
The Hindu volunteer organisation added that it expected the judgment to have “far reaching ramifications in the minority-centric domestic politics of West Bengal”.
Courtesy: Washington Bangla Radio.

Message of Upananda Brahmachari, Vice President, HINDU SAMHATI.

This is a great victory of the Hindus indeed. But we should not be double standard. Slaughter of cow progeny hurts the Hindus. So, Hindus cannot sell any of them to the butchers for killing. It is a perpetual sin. All the Dharma Samsads and the Dharmik apex bodies of Hindus should immediately declare prohibition of cow selling to the butchers and slaughter houses. Any Hindu connected with such Adharmik (anti-religious) activities should not be considered as a real Hindu. Please, we should not indulge ourselves in such a sin. Cows are considered as Gau-Mata, Kama-Dhenu to us. We should save a cow even sacrificing our soul.

We should be prepared to face the bigger fight in Supreme Court if the situation demands. We should congratulate Sri Abjijit Das of Amtala Nagarik Adhikar Raksha Samity, the present petitioner of the case No. W.P. No 1378 of 2010. We should thankful the band of spirited lawyers in the HC, viz. Mr. Kallol GuhaThakurta, Mr. Ganesh Banerjee, Mr. Jai Surana and Mr. A. K. Saregi for the petitioner, who impleaded a marvelous for the cause Hindu Sentiment, Prevention of Animal Cruelty and Indian Economy. We must convey our gratitude to the Hon’ble bench of Calcutta High Court adorned by Hon’ble Chief Justice, Mr. J. N. Patel and Justice Mr. Ashim Kumar Roy for delivering the most essential in the context of the situation.
Jai Gau Mata. Jai Ganga Mata. Jai Bharat Mata. ..
-Upananda Brahmachari

Surinder Paul Attri said
November 14, 2010 at 4:07 pm

Bakri Eid – the level of brutality surpasses the significance of sacrifice

1. Moslems observe their festival of Eid Al-Adbba ( Feast of Sacrifice ), also known as ” Bakri-Eid ,” by wholesale butchering of animals, goats & even cows, without showing the least bit of pity or concern for these innocent creatures of the Lord.

2. Moslems call this grossly-offensive, brutal, & despicable act, as an act of sacrifice. What a Joke ? Moslems are making no sacrifice, What are sacrificed are the blameless & guiltless creatures, who have done no harm to these beastly-barbaric Sullas.

3. This brutal & barbaric act, performed at the time of ” Bakir-Eid, ” has no connection with sacrifice, but has all the defining characteristics of Moslem’s aggressiveness, and his cruelty on inculpable & innocent beasts, who have given no offense to either the Moslems or their Islam.

4. What is most wicked & nefarious is the method of slaughtering, that is used by Moslems. It is called Halal, which is a procedure of Very Slow Slaughter of the poor animal, slitting the throat, slowly incising & slashing the organs of these poor innocent animal, to cause maximum pain on these poor creatures. It is so horrid & nauseating, that is beyond description.

5. Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals:
Where are you ? Are you sleeping ?
Are you going to do anything about stopping this hideous cruelty, inflicted on these unfortunate creatures of this earth ? Isn’t man responsible for the safety & humane treatment of all, man as well as the beast ?

Surinder Paul Attri
Dr. Babu Suseelan said
November 14, 2010 at 8:40 pm

Killing innocent animals and Kaffirs is an essential part of Islam. Islam cannot exist without shedding blood. History record is replete with bloodletting by the followers of Allah. Strangely, government of India subsidize Jihadis for mass murder of animals in the name of their fictitious Allah at Mecca during Hajj. More than 40 million innocent animals are slaughtered the most brutal way during Hajj. Slaughtering innocent animals in the name of GOD is against Indian law. Despite government of India, to appease bloodthirsty Jihadis subsidize Muslims for the trip to Mecca for improving their beheading skills.

During Islamic Ramadan Feasting season Muslims slaughter millions of animals and eat decaying flesh from sunset to sunrise against all health norms. What a shame!
Sunjay said
November 15, 2010 at 11:59 am

Hundreds of trucks full with cows are entering Kolkata, they cover most of the trucks on all sides so no one on road can get a hint of what is inside those trucks but from high rise apartment one can clearly see the cows on the trucks, all night hundreds of such trucks are entering through VIP road, I know because I’ve seen them from my rooftop.

vaibhav said
November 16, 2010 at 9:13 am

Why there is no news in media about it? It is our responsibility to promote this news in order to implement it it properly. All news media is anti Hindu there. Tell this to all the people as much as possible.

Kubera Money Mantra (God of Wealth)


It is composed of bija mantras, rough meanings: Shreem for Lakshmi (love, beauty, health, prosperity), Hreem for Great Goddess/Sun (illumination/dispel illusion), kleem for Kama/Krishna (love and fulfiller of desires from material to moksha, where your intention is) and Vitteswaraay (Kubera)

Lord Kuber (or Kubera or Kuvera) is believed to be the lord of riches and wealth in Hinduism. Kuber Sadhana is considered a great way of pleasing the lord to bestow one with wealth and fortune. Kuber is many a times called the treasurer of gods. If pleased with you the lord opens avenues of wealth and riches for believers. Lord Kuber is also believes to be the head of the Yakshas (savage beings). The Yakshas are both human and demon and are responsible for the security of the treasures hidden beneath the earth of the great mountain Himalayas.

Kubera Yantra is used as a tool to attract the cosmic wealth energy, accumulation of riches, increase cash flow at home, etc. It opens up street for new sources of income. Worship of Kuber Yantra is also suggested for excellent growth in business, career and profession and increase in personal income and abundance.

The specially of this Yantra is their No. 72 should come by winning the Number from any side the joint on of 72 Total 9.

For realization of Lord Kubera, massive monetary gain, wealth, fortune and all round success.

I recommend at least one mala (108 reps) of this mantra each day.
You can also chant his beej (seed/root) mantra "Dhham" (some use "Sam"). Recite it as much as you can till the problem is solved (like ajapa -ceaseless mental repetition throughout the day).

For worshiping him you have to sit facing North Director.
You can use a Rudraksha mala as he is a follower of Shiva or a White Crystal Mala to chant his nama.

Chanted by Kshitiji Tarey
Kubera Mantra God of Wealth wealth money mantra

Listening to it is not the same. You have to perform this puja (ritual) of chanting this mantra (can be whispering or in low voice, if you want to say it faster it is OK). Get a mala (Hindu rosary with 108 beads) and you have to perform 31 rounds of that rosary. In other words, 31 X 108 times of recitations. Results will appear. Whenever you need another boost you can repeat the 31 times X 108 repetitions. Takes about 6h. Split in a few days if you cannot do it all at once.


"Viit - e - shwa - raa - ya"

In sanskrit the ancient language of india. its chanting of an angle.

an angle who controls wealth and richness

vitteshwaraay means "Angle of wealth, giver of wealth"

whole mantra means "I ask wealth from the guardian of wealth and gold"

its a good chant to ask help from the thousands of angles of god, as all we know that god almighty has given every angle some unique powers to help human kind."

It Does work.

1. With in one week of chanting(while ib train , on th e ay to wotk ) it i got a cheque €750.

2. It stoped me from spending money

3.After 40days I am very money consious I have sold few thing from scarpe on ebay etc

I have never seen such a strong mantra honestly !! it is power full

ONly use it if you are all in for money!!!

Thanks bharatsm, I checked with a calculator and they all add up to 72

Horizontally: 27+20+25=72, 22+24+26=72, 23+28+21=72

Vertically: 27+22+23=72, 20+24+28=72, 25+26+21=72

Diagnally: 27+24+21=72 & 25+24+23=72

1 year ago
I never had a guru, but I can testify the power of the mantra. I HAVE wealth, health, reputation enclosed after 10 years of practising mantra. The people who does not see benefits are because it(he,she) does not have discipline and faith. I think that Lille Sakura is a great guru.

Murugabhaktan, "The viewpoint of Vedic Astrology is that life is an interplay of both fate and free will--fate being the reaction to our previous exercise of free will. " --IndiaDivine

People can try for themselves and see if they work.

Why not mention the many people have benefited from mantras/prayer, myself included?

yes, some karmas one may have to endure.

Why would ancient seers give us remedies that have stood the test of time to better our lives if we had no free choice?

the Kubera-Kolam magic square Yantra, has 72 as a constant sum). "The number 72 is a number which appears to have mythical meaning across various cultures." - Wiki

In numerology, 72 is broken down to 9 (7+2).

"9 is said to have spiritual significance in many traditions" -Swamij

"Nine is the square of three. And three represents Divine perfection the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The manifestation of God through His Spirit is expressed in the quantity of nine" -J Owens

1 year ago
Nine is also the number of regeneration which means if you add 1 with 9 then the result is 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 (number which gets added to 9) 9 does not have any special power other then giving what was given to 9...

Ganesh Mantra - Obstacle Breaker (STROBE)

98 Reps, 108 Reps would not fit in 10 minutes.

"Om Salutations and Prostrations to Lord Ganesha"

"This mantra invokes the Lord Ganesha to remove every impediment in your life and in your works. By constant meditation on this mantra, all obstacles and blocked energy in your physical and astral bodies are released.
He brings writing and knowledge. But he is most often known as the "Breaker of Obstacles". This does not mean that if something blocks your way to success that appealing to Ganesh will result in your thundering through your opposition like some great juggernaut (a word derived from the name of a Hindu deity Jaganath). Rather, Ganesh breaks obstacles by working around them. He may not help you fix a relationship, but He might help you find a new one. He might not get you a raise at work, but you might get a job offer from another company for more money. Ganesh is a warrior, but is not into fighting for fighting's sake. Indeed, that is why he lost his head and it had to be replaced with the head of a elephant. Rather, He helps you find other ways of overcoming obstacles. The real obstacles He breaks are those which prevent you from recognizing alternative solutions."

"Ganesha mantras are siddhi mantras . Each mantra contains certain specific powers of Lord Ganesha. When chanted with the proper pranayama (rhythmic breathing) and sincere devotion, they will yield good results. In general, Ganesha mantras will ward off all evil and bless the devotee with abundance, prudence and success. Evil spirits dare not enter the home or the mind of the devotee where Ganesha mantras are recited.


"One more point to remember is that one should bathe or wash the limbs before sitting for repetition of the mantra. Also, one should do three or more pranayama before beginning the mantra. The minimum repetition of the mantra should be one full mala, or 108 times. When this is done at a fixed hour and place regularly for 48 days, it becomes an upasana, which means intense meditation, that will yield siddhis, or spiritual powers. Another warning to bear in mind is that one should use those powers only for healing the sick and other such selfless actions for the benefit of mankind. These powers should not be misused. Misuse of power may bring the curse of the asuras.

"This is a mantra from Ganapati Upanishad. One may always use it before beginning a journey, a new course in school, new career or job, or before entering into any new contract or business so that impediments are removed and your endeavor may be crowned with success."

List of credits at end of video
Thank you to all Divine artists featured.

Mahalakshmi (Laxmi) Mantra & Shri Yantra - Wealth Giving

Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamale Kamalaleyi Praseed Praseed Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Mahalaxmiyei Namaha
(Various ways ways to spell the Sanskrit transliteration)

My very rough translation:
Underlying Vibration of all creation, abundance please, cherishing your lotus feet, be pleased Great Laxmi Goddess, I bow to You.

The audio is by Shri Anandi Ma and Dileepji from the CD "Mantras For Abundance" published by Sounds True.
The audio is available at Shri Anandi Ma's group's website, or directly from Sounds True at (Thanks to purna24 for info)

27 Repetitions (Repeat 4 times for 108 rounds = 1 mala = 40 minutes)
*Morning is the best time to chant, especially after bathing. But in the evening before dinner, or 3 hours after dinner is ok too.
**Once you learn it by heart, just practice on a mala, especially a lotus seed one, and it will take around 30+/- minutes to do 1 mala a day.

*If you recite this mantra daily 108 times financial worries, trouble will go away.
**Daily worship of this mantra helps in attaining Siddhi. *Siddhi is typically defined as "a magical or spiritual power for the control of self, others and the forces of nature."

"Also to solve your financial worries, experience its wonder within 90 days. Proved to be very effective. Bestows you with lot of money and wealth from unexpected source. [Especially when using with either the Shree or Lakshmi/Laxmi Yantra]

"'Shree Yantra' - Shree meaning wealth and Yantra - Meaning 'Instrument' -

"Look into the center of the Yantra, trying to blink as rarely as possible; you don't want to look at the particular details of the Yantra, just keep your sight right in the center and observe the whole Yantra at once.

"In time, after at least seven days of Yantra meditation you will be able to tap into the same yantric energy even without a Yantra (at the beginning you may fix your sight on an exterior or imaginary point or evoke the Yantra with your eyes closed).

"In superior phases the Yantra absorbs the practitioner's complete attention, and he can no longer tell if the Yantra is within himself or if he is within the Yantra; this is the state of non-duality."

The Lakshmi Mantra is being chanted by Shri Anandi Ma and Dileepji .

Shri Anandi Ma ... travel[s] extensively in India, the United States and Europe, conducting meditation programs and yoga retreats. ... As part of her role as Shri Dhyanyogi's spiritual heir, Shri Anandi Ma has also assumed the responsibility for continuing the humanitarian works begun during Shri Dhyanyogi's lifetime. These include operating a hospital, sponsoring eye surgery camps, and providing food for the poor. In all these works, she continues to spread the love and light of her lineage and of her beloved sadaguru, Shri Dhyanyogi Madhusudandas.

For more info on Anandi Ma:

Whats the diffrence of this with the other one you posted

Well, one this is appealing to feminine aspect of Divine and the Kubera mantra is appealing to the masculine aspect of the same Divine. (:

LilaSakura 1 year ago
1 year ago
which the difference between this and


and is useful before lahxmi mantra to chant ganesh to eliminate obstacles?

and which difference between the two lahxmi mantra in your site?

Hi FB, I am not very familiar with Dattatreya Siva baba or his "Om Brzee Namaha" mantra.

I didn't find any history of this mantra, except for what Datta's said; however with faith, devotion and intention, any word can be used as a mantra, more or less.

10 months ago
I started chanting this mantra about a year ago, I also drew a sri yantra because I thought doing so by my own hand would make it more powerful for me, I now have very little financial worries. So thank you LilaSakura may Tripurasundari shine on you.

11 months ago
a bit contradicting yourself here mr logos:)

wrong understanding, right understanding, left understanding,leave understanding, no understanding, understanding stands under the actual meaning, but that whole idea is an illusion, dig the suchness

shreem=Godess Laxmi(Money) Hreem=godess Saraswathi(Godess of Learning) and KLEEM= Godess Parwathi(Godess of Energy)

This is what is called a "seed" mantra. The sounds like 'Kleem' do not themselves have a particular meaning but the sounds have a certain effect on consciousness.


After practices the mantra for many days many times, the Goddess, Laksmi have manifested to me today, She have said to me that Her will give me Wealth but I ahve to follow the Dharma, in particular Aimsha and not eat flesh of animals.


1 year ago
THAT'S INCREDIBLE! Dear LilaSakura I have performed The mantra for many time for many days, Today I traveled distant from my residence I have casually meet a beatiful and young girl with white complection black hairs and blue eyes, this girl have spoke to me that She will give me Wealth, but I have to follow the Dharma in particular i must be vegetarian with dairy. Then I have answered affermative and his eyes was shinning of immense LOVE!

She said I am pleased and then said By...

1 year ago
Thank you for making and posting this video. It has helped me clear up a bad financial situation.

1 year ago
This works!!! A bad financial situation got cleared up within about 10 days of doing the 108 repetitions every day. Won't go into details- it is private- but thanks be to the beautiful Goddess Laxmi

Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamale Kamalaleyi Praseeda Praseeda Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Mahalaxmiyei Namaha

Well, one this is appealing to feminine aspect of Divine and the Kubera mantra is appealing to the masculine aspect of the same Divine. (:

1 year ago
Hotep (Greetings) Queen,

Thank you for the powerful matra! Is their a particular mudra that accompanies the chant to Goddess Lakshmi. II usually sit in the lotus position facing the east. I also picture the Goddess in my minds eye while chanting.

Thanks in advace - Brother Tehuti


OM Shreem Hreem Shreem - Bija (seed/ single sound) mantras. Hence cannot be translated.

OM - Primordial sound

Shreem - Bija for Lakshmi

Hreem - Bija for Primordial goddess

Kamale - Lotus (Denotes purity, intellect, Beauty)

Kamalaalaye - One who resides in the lotus (aalaya = Home)

Praseeda - Request to shower her blessing on us.

Ciao framboard, you are right, Ganesh is often worshipped in the beginning of any auspicious task. He is the remover of obstacles and also the promoter of all forms of wealth.

There is a combined mantra of Ganesh and Laxmi "Om Gam Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Namaha"(To remove obstacles and attract abundance - your intention can focus the abundance on specific areas in your life)


is right to do together lahxmi mantra the ganesh mantra

108 ganesh

108 lahxmi

to break obstacles and better create abbundance?

Hi Vokio, that is the "Sri Yantra"

Yantras are similar to buddhist Mandalas. They are sacred geometry used for worship, devotion and meditation.

And all other yantras are derived from this particular yantra (also called Yantra of Mahalaxmi. She is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity and manifests herself where the Yantra is established and worshiped.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Anti Hindu painter MF Hussain (Hindi) Part 2/2

Exposing MF Hussain, who has drawn series of blasphemous Hindu deities' paintings.

Anti Hindu painter MF Hussain: (Hindi) Part 1/2

Exposing anti Hindu mentality of MF Hussain. This video documentary shows how Hussain has insulted Hindu sentiments.

The Asuras of the Kali Yuga and their destruction by Kalki Avatar of Vishnu

The Asuras of the Kali Yuga and their destruction by Kalki Avatar of Vishnu

Asura is a conjunction of two Sanskrit words, A meaning not or against and Sura meaning god. The word Su means good and the word Asu means not-good. With that said we can say that the word Asura means demon or one that is not good or against God.

The natures of Asuras are generally negative or evil. It is said that they are addicted to wrath, pride, boasting and are Belligerent. They are obsessed with force, are violent, always fighting and angry with everyone who are not like them.

Asuras originate from Mount Sumeru. Sumeru is said to be located in the middle of the earth. In Sumeria – Mesopotamia, Iran and Iraq there is a mountain called Sumeru. So it is safe to say that the Asuras originated from this part of the world.

According to the Sanatan Dharma the following are traits of Asuras:

  1. The meaning of Asura is those who do not follow Sura (Devas) as they follow Sukracharya the demon guru.
  2. Asuras derive pleasure from killing cows and "sajjana" (good and innocent people). Totally true as we can see in nearly every country Islamic Fundamentalists are killing innocents in name of their religion.
  3. Asuras will breed fast in the earth – (10-12 per couple), fastest growing population.
  4. Asuras involve in mundane and physical sexual pleasure - they can have multiple wives.
  5. Their Guru (Master/Prophet) will be Sukracharya and their worship day will be Shukravar (Friday).
  6. While normal human beings will grow their hair in the head and shave off facial hairs (moustache and beard), Asura will do the other way around.
  7. Asuras will be a blind faith cult and will not believe in cosmic truth.
  8. Asuras ="Vigraha-Bhanjags" - they break murtis (idol form of god) everywhere and will not worship idols.
  9. Asuras do not believe in education and destroy "Vijnana" (knowledge). They destroy Guru Kula (ancient universities and libraries). 
  10. Asuras consider only far-away waters (land) as place of pilgrimage - a place away from old Indian sub-continent.
  11. Asuras, as a tribe, will be male chauvinists. They will consider females as just an object of physical happiness.
  12. Asuras will blindly follow their Guru (Prophet) as final authority. They will not be opened to any ideas or truth.
  13. Kalki Avatar will happen when; the world will be "aachhadit"(full of) with Asuras. The way Islamic Fundamentalists (Asuras) are breeding it is no surprise that; the world is going to see their majority in some point of time. Then Kalki avatar will happen and destroy Asuras (Islamic Fundamentalists) to get the earth rid of them. According to scriptures,"Lord Kalki will take birth in Sambhal village in the family of Vishnu Yash Sharma. He will worship Savitri and Lord Parshuram, an inhabitant of Mahendra Mountain will be his preceptor. After handing over the kingdom of Mathura to Suryaketu, he will then live in Haridwar (India) with his wife. After combating with faith-cult and Asuras, he will re-establish a true religion in the world." Kalki Purana, I[2], Verses 11 and 15.

It is clear that Islamic Fundamentalists (radicals) are the Asuras in this Kali Yuga. It is written that they will be the reason for the 10th avatar of Lord Vishnu, Kalki. Also remember that the word Ashura in Arabic means 10th. The Day of Ashura is a Muslim day of commemoration of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad who died in the Battle of Karbala. The following are some of the other occasions that Muslims commemorate on this day but different years.

  • God had mercy on Adam
  • The deliverance of Noah from the flood
  • Abraham was saved from Nimrod's fire
  • Jacob's blindness was healed after Joseph's shirt was brought to him on this day
  • Job was healed from his illness
  • The Israelites were saved from the Pharaoh's army
  • Jesus was brought up to heaven after attempts by the Romans to capture and crucifying him failed.

The 10th avatar of Vishnu will come down and put an end to the Asuras and begin the Satya Yuga.